I am trying to use jQuery and jQuery UI in salesforce lightning component which is embedded inside VF page. This VF page is available on console for ex. domain/my.salesforce.com/console
When I run it I am able to load only jQuery version 3.2.1 inside this console, not other jquery versions are able to load.... fine I am happy with it. but next step is to load the jQuery UI version which should be compatible with jQuery 3.2.1.
But I am getting below error when jQuery UI loads in such scenario : lightning component embedded inside vf which is shown on console.
Jquery UI error:
Uncaught TypeError: n[o].hasOwnProperty is not a function
throws at /resource/jQuery_UITEST:8:5049
what I found is jQuery v2.2.4 and jQuery UI - v1.11.2 works together well when use purely as lightning app but do not work when I embed this lightning component inside vf and that vf is part of console.
If you have any idea kindly provide your inputs.
Thanks, Akki