We are using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) which have epics, features, stories and down to tasks. We will also follow git dmz flow in which development happens in feature branches. We want to use VSTS structure but not breaking the principles and benefits of git dmz flow.
I was thinking of having a feature branch that will be branched out to story branch and story branch that will be branch out to task branch (where the actual dev work happens). Is this not add too much overhead for the dev team? Can automation help in this?
我正在考虑使用特性分支之类的故事分支(在 git dmz 流上下文中),其中,当一个故事完成后,您可以将 PR 转到 dmz 分支(但它会破坏 VSTS/敏捷结构中的结构?)