您可以生成一个四元数,它表示围绕特定轴的给定角度的旋转,如下所示(请原谅它是 c++,而不是 java):
Quaternion Quaternion::create_from_axis_angle(const double &xx, const double &yy, const double &zz, const double &a)
// Here we calculate the sin( theta / 2) once for optimization
double factor = sin( a / 2.0 );
// Calculate the x, y and z of the quaternion
double x = xx * factor;
double y = yy * factor;
double z = zz * factor;
// Calcualte the w value by cos( theta / 2 )
double w = cos( a / 2.0 );
return Quaternion(x, y, z, w).normalize();
因此,例如,要围绕 x 轴旋转,您可以创建一个四元数createFromAxisAngle(1, 0, 0, M_PI/2)
从 sje397 的帖子中制作了一个可运行的代码,以便稍后测试其他细节,我想我会分享。最终使用 C 没有 Quaternion 类的原因。
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
struct float4{
float x;
float y;
float z;
float w;
float4 make_float4(float x, float y, float z, float w){
float4 quat = {x,y,z,w};
return quat;
float dot(float4 a)
return (((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y)) + (a.z * a.z)) + (a.w * a.w);
float4 normalize(float4 q)
float num = dot(q);
float inv = 1.0f / (sqrtf(num));
return make_float4(q.x * inv, q.y * inv, q.z * inv, q.w * inv);
float4 create_from_axis_angle(const float &xx, const float &yy, const float &zz, const float &a)
// Here we calculate the sin( theta / 2) once for optimization
float factor = sinf( a / 2.0f );
float4 quat;
// Calculate the x, y and z of the quaternion
quat.x = xx * factor;
quat.y = yy * factor;
quat.z = zz * factor;
// Calcualte the w value by cos( theta / 2 )
quat.w = cosf( a / 2.0f );
return normalize(quat);
int main()
float degrees = 10.0f;
float4 quat = create_from_axis_angle(1, 0, 0, degrees*(3.14159f/180.0f));
cout << "> (" << quat.x << ", " <<quat.y << ", " <<quat.z << ", " <<quat.w << ")" << endl;
return 0;
(0.0871557, 0, 0, 0.996195)