这是我的一些位掩码代码(单色位图)。Bitmask_Create() 函数没有问题。我已经通过打开、加载和保存 Windows 单色位图对其进行了测试,效果很好。但是,我制作的 GetPixel 和 SetPixel 函数似乎无法正常工作。在某些情况下,它们似乎可以正常工作,具体取决于位图尺寸。
typedef struct _GL_BITMASK GL_BITMASK;
struct _GL_BITMASK {
int nWidth; // Width in pixels
int nHeight; // Height in pixels
int nPitch; // Width of scanline in bytes (may have extra padding to align to DWORD)
BYTE *pData; // Pointer to the first byte of the first scanline (top down)
int BitMask_GetPixel(GL_BITMASK *pBitMask, int x, int y)
INT nElement = ((y * pBitMask->nPitch) + (x / 8));
PBYTE pElement = pBitMask->pData + nElement;
BYTE bMask = 1 << (7 - (x % 8));
return *pElement & bMask;
void BitMask_SetPixel(GL_BITMASK *pBitMask, int x, int y, int nPixelColor)
INT nElement = x / 8;
INT nScanLineOffset = y * pBitMask->nPitch;
PBYTE pElement = pBitMask->pData + nScanLineOffset + nElement;
BYTE bMask = 1 << (7 - (x % 8));
if(*pElement & bMask)
if(!nPixelColor) return;
else *pElement ^= bMask;
if(nPixelColor) return;
else *pElement |= bMask;
GL_BITMASK *BitMask_Create(INT nWidth, INT nHeight)
int nPitch;
nPitch = ((nWidth / 8) + 3) & ~3;
pBitMask = (GL_BITMASK *)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, (nPitch * nHeight) + sizeof(GL_BITMASK));
return (GL_BITMASK *)NULL;
pBitMask->nPitch = nPitch;
pBitMask->nWidth = nWidth;
pBitMask->nHeight = nHeight;
pBitMask->pData = (PBYTE)pBitMask + sizeof(GL_BITMASK);
return pBitMask;