在将 GKE 集群节点的镜像类型从 container-vm 迁移到 cos 之后,似乎不再可能为 pod 挂载 NFS 卷。

问题似乎缺少 NFS 客户端库,因为命令行中的挂载命令在我尝试的所有 COS 版本上都失败(cos-stable-58-9334-62-0、cos-beta-59-9460-20-0、cos -dev-60-9540-0-0)。

sudo mount -t nfs mynfsserver:/myshare /mnt


mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on mynfsserver:/myshare,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
       need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)

但这与此处列出的支持的卷类型相矛盾: https ://cloud.google.com/container-engine/docs/node-image-migration#storage_driver_support

在 pod 中挂载 NFS 卷适用于具有 image-typecontainer-vm但不适用于cos.

随着 cos 我收到以下消息kubectl describe pod

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kubernetes.io/nfs/b6e6cf44-41e7-11e7-8b00-42010a840079-nfs-mandant1" (spec.Name: "nfs-mandant1") pod "b6e6cf44-41e7-11e7-8b00-42010a840079" (UID: "b6e6cf44-41e7-11e7-8b00-42010a840079") with: mount failed: exit status 1
Mounting command: /home/kubernetes/containerized_mounter/mounter
Mounting arguments: singlefs-1-vm:/data/mandant1 /var/lib/kubelet/pods/b6e6cf44-41e7-11e7-8b00-42010a840079/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/nfs-mandant1 nfs []
Output: Mount failed: Mount failed: exit status 32
Mounting command: chroot
Mounting arguments: [/home/kubernetes/containerized_mounter/rootfs mount -t nfs singlefs-1-vm:/data/mandant1 /var/lib/kubelet/pods/b6e6cf44-41e7-11e7-8b00-42010a840079/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/nfs-mandant1]
Output: mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server singlefs-1-vm: Temporary failure in name resolution

2 回答 2


Martin,您是手动设置挂载(自己执行挂载),还是让 kubernetes 通过引用 NFS 卷的 pod 代表您执行此操作?

前者行不通。以后会的。正如您发现的那样,COS 不附带 NFS 客户端库,因此 GKE 通过使用所需的二进制文件设置 chroot(位于 /home/kubernetes/containerized_mounter/rootfs)并在其中调用 mount 来解决这个问题。

于 2017-05-25T22:30:23.120 回答

我已经从 kubernetes 项目中删除了上面提到的解决方案 @saad-ali,以使其工作。


# This script creates a chroot environment containing the tools needed to mount an nfs drive
- path: /tmp/mount_config.sh
  permissions: 0755
  owner: root
  content: |
    set +x # For debugging

    export USER=root
    export HOME=/home/dockerrunner
    mkdir -p /tmp/mount_chroot
    chmod a+x /tmp/mount_chroot
    cd /tmp/
    echo "Sleeping for 30 seconds because toolbox pull fails otherwise"
    sleep 30
    toolbox --bind /tmp /google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil cp gs://<uploaded-file-bucket>/mounter.tar /tmp/mounter.tar
    tar xf /tmp/mounter.tar -C /tmp/mount_chroot/
    mount --bind /tmp/mount_chroot /tmp/mount_chroot
    mount -o remount, exec /tmp/mount_chroot
    mount --rbind /proc /tmp/mount_chroot/proc
    mount --rbind /dev /tmp/mount_chroot/dev
    mount --rbind /tmp /tmp/mount_chroot/tmp
    mount --rbind /mnt /tmp/mount_chroot/mnt

upload-file-bucket 容器是 kube 团队创建的 chroom 镜像,下载自:https ://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/gci-mounter/mounter.tar

然后,云配置的 runcmd 看起来像:

- /tmp/mount_config.sh
- mkdir -p /mnt/disks/nfs_mount
- chroot /tmp/mount_chroot /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw nfsserver:/sftp /mnt/disks/nfs_mount


于 2017-07-05T13:01:23.960 回答