Usually most Lisps have a function called ARGLIST in some package. LispWorks calls it FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST.
For information purposes in LispWorks, if one has the cursor on a function symbol, then control-shift-a displays the arglist. In LispWorks there is also an 'arglist-on-space' functionality that can be loaded. After typing a symbol and a space, the IDE displays the arglist.
There is also the CL:DESCRIBE function. It describes various objects. In most CL implementations it also should display the arglist of a function.
The following example is for Clozure Common Lisp:
Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.6-r14468M (DarwinX8664)!
? (defun foo (x y &optional (z 1)) (+ x (* y z)))
? (arglist #'foo)
? (describe #'foo)
#<Compiled-function FOO #x302000550F8F>
Name: FOO
Arglist (analysis): (X Y &OPTIONAL Z)
Bits: 8405508