I would like to know what packages and tools to use to write blogs from within emacs. I mean packages to write and publish. I 've seen a demo of that in textmate : http://blog.macromates.com/2006/blogging-from-textmate/

Is it possible to do the same in emacs?

Thank you very much.

Edit: I found a package in google code that serve blogging form emacs e-blog

I still don't get it why this thread is closed !!!! Not related to development!!???


4 回答 4


emacspeak 有一个连接到 Blogspot 的模块,但我无法让它用于编辑帖子。

于 2009-01-13T19:32:58.143 回答


于 2009-01-13T19:34:29.060 回答

您可以使用Planner 模式完成类似博客的工作

于 2009-01-13T19:38:28.273 回答

I don't think emacs is the right tool for this job.

Perhaps you should check out Blogger or if you have hosting and want to start a blog maybe try Wordpress.

于 2009-01-13T19:22:03.780 回答