I would like to know how can I map a data for future use inside of a function?
I wrote some code like the following:
struct {
int* a;
int *b;
// other members...
} s;
void func1(struct s* _s){
int a* = _s->a;
int b* = _s->b;
// do something with _s
#pragma omp target
// do something with a and b;
int main(){
struct s* _s;
// alloc _s, a and b
int *a = _s->a;
int *b = _s->b;
#pragma omp target data map(to: a, b)
// call another funcs with device use of mapped data...
// free data
The code compiles, but on execution Kernel execution error at <address>
is spammed from verbose output of execution, followed by many Device kernel launch failed!
and CUDA error is: an illegal memory access was encountered