我在 matlab 中为大小为 n 的幻方创建了一个函数,使用 zeros() 命令初始化,并使用迭代器 i 进行了 for 循环。
我得到的输出是正确的,但我无法弄清楚如何解决对角线也就是该位置是否超出行和列的界限的问题。在幻方(5)中,这个数字是 16。
矩阵 =
0 0 1 8 15
0 5 7 14 0
4 6 13 0 0
10 12 0 0 3
11 0 0 2 9
function output = magicsquare(n)
% initialize with zeros() function
matrix = zeros(n);
% place first number
col = (n-1)/2 + 1; % first number of magic square starts in the middle of top row
row = 1; % top row
% for loop with iterator i
for i = 1:(n^2) % start with 1 up to n^2 (perfect square of n sized matrix)
% if filled, move down on from original
if(matrix(row, col) ~= 0) % if a space in square is filled ...
row = row + 2; % ... move down 2 rows ...
col = col - 1; % ... and 1 column to the left
% up one, right one
matrix(row, col) = i % input i at matrix(a,b) position
row = row - 1; % move up one row
col = col + 1; % move right one column
% out of matrix space -- wrap matrix
if col < 1 % if column goes to left of col 1
col = n; % go to right most column
if row > (n+1) % if row goes down past last row by more than one space
row = 2; % go to second row
if row > n % does not exist by one space
row = 1; % go to first row
if col > n
col = 1; % go to left most column
if row < 1
row = n; % go to last row
if row < 1 && col > n %!! TROUBLESHOOTING
row = 2;
col = n;
output = matrix; % print the magic square