我正在尝试在 applescript 中向电子邮件添加多个附件。我将主题设置为顶部的文件夹和周数。
set {b, c} to {"1/1/1000", 364876}
set {year:yy, month:mm, day:dd} to (current date)
set yy to text 3 thru 4 of (yy as text)
set d to ((((current date) - (date b)) div days + c) div 7) + 1
set e to ((((date ("1/1/" & (year of the (current date)) as string)) - (date b)) div days + c) div 7) + 1
set weekCode to (yy & (d - e) as text)
set rSpace to "
set theSubject to "folder Week " & (text 3 thru 4 of weekCode)
tell application "Finder"
set folderPath to folder ((get (path to home folder) as Unicode text) & "Documents:folder" as Unicode text)
set thefList to ""
set fcount to 1
set theFile to ((file fcount) in folderPath as alias)
set theFile to name of theFile
if thefList is "" then
set thefList to theFile
set thefList to thefList & "
" & theFile
end if
set fcount to (fcount + 1)
on error
set fcount to (fcount - 1)
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
--return thefList
set theAttachment to theFile
end tell
repeat (fcount - 1) times
set rSpace to "
" & rSpace
end repeat
tell application "Mail"
set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, sender:"my@email.com", subject:theSubject, content:rSpace}
tell theMessage
make new to recipient with properties {address:"their@email.com"}
set acount to 1
repeat fcount times
make new attachment with properties {file name:(paragraph acount of thefList)} at after the last word of the paragraph acount
set message_attachment to 0
on error errmess -- oops
log errmess -- log the error
set message_attachment to 1
end try
log "message_attachment = " & acount
set acount to (acount + 1)
end repeat
end tell
end tell