嗨,我正在制作一个 C# 轮盘赌作为大学项目的一部分。我似乎无法使用数组对我的轮盘进行编程以识别红色或黑色。
int[] x = {213, 231, 250, 268, 285, 297, 310, 319, 324, 325, 326, 323, 315, 304, 291, 277, 260, 242, 223, 204, 183, 165, 147, 132, 120, 110, 102, 97, 98, 99, 104, 115, 126, 142, 158, 176, 194};
int[] y = {152, 153, 158, 165, 174, 185, 202, 219, 236, 254, 270, 293, 307, 322, 333, 348, 355, 361, 367, 364, 362, 357, 347, 338, 321, 307, 288, 269, 254, 234, 217, 201, 185, 174, 164, 160, 155};
string[] Number = { "0", "32", "15", "19", "4", "21", "2", "25", "17", "34", "6", "27", "13", "36", "11", "30", "8", "23", "10", "5", "24", "16", "33", "1", "20", "14", "31", "9", "22", "18", "29", "7", "28", "12", "35", "3", "26" };
string[] Red = { "32", "19", "21", "25", "34", "27", "36", "30", "23", "5", "16", "1", "14", "9", "18", "7", "12", "3" };
string[] Black = { "15", "4", "2", "17", "6", "13", "11", "8", "10", "24", "33", "20", "31", "22", "29", "28", "35", "26" };
string guessColour = cboColour.Text;
if (position == ballPos && loopTimes == loopCount)
tmrRoll.Enabled = false;
// Arrays (guessing)
int arraypos = Array.IndexOf(Number, guess);
int arrayRed = Array.IndexOf(Red, guessColour);
int arrayBlack = Array.IndexOf(Black, guessColour);
// Number + colour correct
if (ballPos == arraypos && ballPos == arrayBlack || ballPos == arraypos && ballPos == arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed the number and the colour correctly!");
addEarnings = currentBet * 35 + 10;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Only colour correct
else if (ballPos != arraypos && ballPos == arrayBlack || ballPos != arraypos && ballPos == arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed the colour correct!");
addEarnings = currentBet + 10;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Only Number correct
if (ballPos == arraypos && ballPos != arrayBlack || ballPos == arraypos && ballPos != arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed only the number correctly!");
addEarnings = currentBet * 35;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Nothing correct
else if (ballPos != arraypos && ballPos != arrayEven || ballPos != arraypos && ballPos != arrayOdd)
MessageBox.Show("You have failed to guess the number or colour correctly.");