我正在尝试在仅接受整数买入/卖出金额的市场上进行与准确汇率匹配的货币交易。我想以特定的比率进行最大的交易。这是一个玩具程序,不是真正的交易机器人,所以我使用的是 C#。
static bool CalcBiggestRationalFraction(float target_real, float epsilon, int numerator_max, int denominator_max, out int numerator, out int denominator)
// target_real is the ratio we are tryig to achieve in our output fraction (numerator / denominator)
// epsilon is the largest difference abs(target_real - (numerator / denominator)) we are willing to tolerate in the answer
// numerator_max, denominator_max are the upper bounds on the numerator and the denominator in the answer
// in the case where there are multiple answers, we want to return the largest one
// in the case where an answer is found that is within epsilon, we return true and the answer.
// in the case where an answer is not found that is within epsilon, we return false and the closest answer that we have found.
// ex: CalcBiggestRationalFraction(.5, .001, 4, 4, num, denom) returns (2/4) instead of (1/2).