通过回答“给我工作的 Python 代码”类型的“问题”,我可能会让这个世界变得更糟,但话又说回来,我自己需要不时使用 PCA,而且永远记不起正确的使用方法,所以这可以作为一个小备忘录。

让我们用 PCA 找到骨骼方向:
import cv2
import numpy as np
#loading our BW image
img = cv2.imread("test_images/toe.bmp", 0)
h, w = img.shape
#From a matrix of pixels to a matrix of coordinates of non-black points.
#(note: mind the col/row order, pixels are accessed as [row, col]
#but when we draw, it's (x, y), so have to swap here or there)
mat = np.argwhere(img != 0)
mat[:, [0, 1]] = mat[:, [1, 0]]
mat = np.array(mat).astype(np.float32) #have to convert type for PCA
#mean (e. g. the geometrical center)
#and eigenvectors (e. g. directions of principal components)
m, e = cv2.PCACompute(mat, mean = np.array([]))
#now to draw: let's scale our primary axis by 100,
#and the secondary by 50
center = tuple(m[0])
endpoint1 = tuple(m[0] + e[0]*100)
endpoint2 = tuple(m[0] + e[1]*50)
cv2.circle(img, center, 5, 255)
cv2.line(img, center, endpoint1, 255)
cv2.line(img, center, endpoint2, 255)
cv2.imwrite("out.bmp", img)
