I'm trying to reference child nodes of a firebase database using a for loop. I'm using Vue and Vue-fire. The problem is that in the following code, categories[addItem.category] doesn't reference the correct data.

<el-select v-model="addItem.category" placeholder="Select a category." id="category-select">
    v-for="(val, key) in categories"
<el-button @click="showAdd=true">new category</el-button>
<el-select v-model="addItem.subcategory" placeholder="Select a subcategory." id="subcategory-select" v-show="addItem.category!=''">
    v-for="subcat in categories[addItem.category]"
<el-button v-show="addItem.category!=''" @click="showAdd=true">add subcategory</el-button>      

I am trying to get all the keys of the selected category, which should give 'machinery' if 'mechanical' is selected. Currently, selecting 'mechanical' makes categories[addItem.category] equal to undefined. Here is what the data looks like in my db: [![enter image description here][1]][1]

Can anyone tell me why my firebase reference categories[addItem.category] isn't referencing the child values?

If it helps, this is how I save the data:

methods: {
         var updates = {};
         if (this.addItem.category==''){
         updates['/' + this.addItem.text + '/'] = "null";        
         else if (this.addItem.subcategory==''){
         console.log('adding a subcategory: ' + this.addItem.subcategory);
         console.log(this.addItem.category + ' is the category name');
         updates['/' + this.addItem.category + '/' + this.addItem.text + '/'] = "null";              
         db.ref('categories').update(updates).then((successMessage) => {
         // successMessage is whatever we passed in the resolve(...) function above.
             // It doesn't have to be a string, but if it is only a succeed message, it probably will be.
             console.log("Yay! " + successMessage);

Which references the following data:

data(){ return {
         addItem: {
         open: false,
         count: 0,
         category: '',
         subcategory: '',
         kks: {
             name: ''
         document: {
             name: ''

         product: {

             name: ''
         text: ''


and here is the firebase property:

 firebase: function(){
 return {
     categories: db.ref('categories')



  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/hYZN6.png

1 回答 1



 subcategories: function(){
     if (this.addItem.category){
     var val;
     db.ref('categories/' + this.addItem.category).on('value', function(snapshot){
         val = snapshot.val();
     return val;
     return this.categories;
于 2017-05-04T07:58:35.430 回答