我想在 NAT 后面的节点中部署一个带有编织虚拟网络的 kubernetes 集群。(例如,在 openstack 中使用浮动 IP)
Kube Master : weave pod 在这里运行
- 内部 IP:
- 外部IP:
Kube 节点(工作者)
- 内部 IP:
在 kube 节点(worker)上运行的 pod 中的日志如下所示:
$ docker logs -f <id-of-weaveworks/weave-kube>
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.627655 Command line options: map[ipalloc-range: nickname:rpi3-kube status-addr: docker-api: datapath:datapath http-addr: ipalloc-init:consensus=3 no-dns:true port:6783 conn-limit:30]
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.628107 Communication between peers is unencrypted.
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.888331 Our name is 8e:0e:19:5d:4e:5e(rpi3-kube)
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.889315 Launch detected - using supplied peer list: []
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.890130 Checking for pre-existing addresses on weave bridge
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.903121 [allocator 8e:0e:19:5d:4e:5e] No valid persisted data
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:00.999661 [allocator 8e:0e:19:5d:4e:5e] Initialising via deferred consensus
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.001342 Sniffing traffic on datapath (via ODP)
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.004907 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.005712 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.007297 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.010285 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.019476 ->[|8e:0e:19:5d:4e:5e(rpi3-kube)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.021265 ->[|8e:0e:19:5d:4e:5e(rpi3-kube)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.042197 Listening for HTTP control messages on
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:31:01.051546 Listening for metrics requests on
INFO: 2017/04/28 15:33:08.225310 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> getsockopt: connection timed out