I am trying to rewrite into (R)cpp an original R function that makes use of the gamma function (from double input). Below the original source. When comping with sourceCpp the following error is raised "no matching function for call to 'gamma(Rcpp::traits::storage_type(<14>:.type)'"
The gamma function should has been put within sugar (as the mean below use) so I expect there should be easily called.
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// original R function
// function (y_pred, y_true)
// {
// eps <- 1e-15
// y_pred <- pmax(y_pred, eps)
// Poisson_LogLoss <- mean(log(gamma(y_true + 1)) + y_pred -
// log(y_pred) * y_true)
// return(Poisson_LogLoss)
// }
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double poissonLogLoss(NumericVector predicted, NumericVector actual) {
NumericVector temp, y_pred_new;
double out;
const double eps=1e-15;
long n = predicted.size();
for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
temp[i] = log( gamma(actual[i]+1)+y_pred_new[i]-log(y_pred_new[i])*actual[i]);
out=mean(temp); // using sugar implementation
return out;