我正在使用 Maven 和webstart-maven-plugin来生成 JNLP 文件并对我的项目的 jar 文件进行签名。我们只需要更新我们的代码签名证书,并且自 2017 年 2 月起,提供硬件令牌而不是软件令牌。

根据 GlobalSign 支持页面,使用硬件令牌对 jar 进行签名的正确方法如下(参见文章):

jarsigner -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -tsa http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll -providerClass sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 -providerArg eToken.cfg test.jar "le-d0e453de-66db-414a-8fa8-0a07cfad66b5"

我按照那篇文章中描述的所有步骤进行操作,现在我正在尝试调整我的 pom.xml 以应用 EV 代码签名证书。

最初我使用了一个密钥库(片段,下面的完整 pom):

<!-- SIGNING -->

现在我正在尝试更新它以使 EV 代码签名工作(片段,下面的完整 pom):

<!-- SIGNING -->
    <alias>le-d0e453de-66db-414a-8fa8-0a07cfad66b5</alias> <!-- I took the alias from the article as an example -->

但是,除非我错过了什么,否则似乎不支持tsa,providerClass和。providerArg我没有找到很多关于 webstart-maven-plugin 的信息,或者它不是最新的,这很遗憾:(

在创建 JNLP 时是否有另一种/更好的方式来签署 jar?任何帮助将非常感激!

pom.xml 代码签名(带密钥库)

                        <!-- The path where the libraries are stored within the jnlp structure. not required. by default the libraries are within the working directory -->
                        <!-- JNLP generation -->

                        <!-- SIGNING -->

                        <!-- BUILDING PROCESS -->

pom.xml EV 代码签名(使用 SafeNet 令牌)

                        <!-- The path where the libraries are stored within the jnlp structure. not required. by default the libraries are within the working directory -->
                        <!-- JNLP generation -->

                        <!-- SIGNING -->
                            <alias>le-d0e453de-66db-414a-8fa8-0a07cfad66b5</alias> <!-- i took the alias from the article as an example -->

                        <!-- BUILDING PROCESS -->

3 回答 3



这已被报告并且现在可用,有关更多信息,请参阅此链接:https ://github.com/javafx-maven-plugin/javafx-maven-plugin/issues/291

正如在 javafx-maven-plugin 中已经提到的,这里是让它工作的解决方案:

    <!-- this configuration is share among all executions -->
        <description>test signing</description>

        <!-- this only sets the field inside jar-file -->
            <!-- required before build-native, creates target/jfx/app -->
            <!-- creates target/jfx/web -->
            <!-- this configuration is only specific to this execution -->
                <!-- as we only want to create the JNLP-package, use fixed bundler-ID -->

                    <!-- this makes the JNLP-file having permissions being set -->
                    <!-- AND it is the trigger for signing jar-files using jarsigner -->

                    <!-- the JNLP-bundler is a bit picky about its parametes, it does not use <appName> -->

                <!-- this setting is required for the new "jarsigner"-feature -->

                <!-- these are required, please change them for your own requirements -->

                <!-- as this keystore is no file, please disable file-checks -->
                <!-- this is new too and required, as PKCS11 does not want some keypass -->

                <!-- this is used for additional parameters for the jarsigner command -->
                    <!-- I DO KNOW that this is verbose ... -->

                <!-- the jnlp-bundler gets a bit messy, lots of files, so we want to mimic "jfx:web"-folder-structure -->

此版本尚未发布,但可以从 sonatype-repository 作为 SNAPSHOT 获得。

于 2017-05-04T15:49:32.903 回答



  • maven-shade-plugin (这是创建具有依赖关系的“胖 jar”然后签署这个 jar 的简单方法)
  • maven-jarsigner-plugin(从令牌签署阴影 jar)
  • webstart-maven-plugin(仅用于 jnlp 目的)









和 template.vm :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://www.mycompany.com/poc" href="launch.jnlp">
        <homepage href="http://www.mycompany.com" />
        <offline-allowed />
        <all-permissions />
        <j2se version="1.7+" />
    <application-desc main-class="$mainClass" />


  • maven-jar-plugin(在主 jar 清单中设置所有权限)
  • webstart-maven-plugin(仅用于 jnlp 目的)
  • maven-jarsigner-plugin(从令牌签署 /jnlp 中的所有 jar)








和 template.vm :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://www.mycompany.com/poc" href="launch.jnlp">
        <homepage href="http://www.mycompany.com" />
        <offline-allowed />
        <all-permissions />
        <j2se version="1.7+" />
    <application-desc main-class="$mainClass" />
于 2017-05-03T11:05:01.130 回答

为什么不使用 javafxpackager?它可以创建 java webstart 和可执行表单并轻松签名。这是甲骨文推荐的。我已经很多年了,真的很喜欢。我正在使用它的 ant 任务,但我相信他们也有一个 Maven 插件。



于 2017-05-01T13:54:43.880 回答