我正在编写一个简单的 OpenCL 应用程序,它将计算目标 GPU 设备的最大实验 FLOPS。我决定让我的 cl 内核尽可能简单。这是我的 OpenCL 内核和主机代码。内核代码是:

__kernel void flops(__global float *data) {

  int gid = get_global_id(0);
  double s = data[gid];
  data[gid] = s * 0.35;


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "support.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "ResultDatabase.h"
#include "OptionParser.h"
#include "ProgressBar.h"

using namespace std;

std::string kernels_folder = "/home/users/saman/shoc/src/opencl/level3/FlopsFolder/";
std::string kernel_file = "flops.cl";

static const char *opts = "-cl-mad-enable -cl-no-signed-zeros "
  "-cl-unsafe-math-optimizations -cl-finite-math-only";

cl_program createProgram (cl_context context,
                          cl_device_id device,
                          const char* fileName) {
  cl_int errNum;
  cl_program program;

  std::ifstream kernelFile (fileName, std::ios::in);
  if (!kernelFile.is_open()) {
    std::cerr << "Failed to open file for reading: " << fileName << std::endl;

  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << kernelFile.rdbuf();

  std::string srcStdStr = oss.str();
  const char *srcStr = srcStdStr.c_str();
  program = clCreateProgramWithSource (context, 1, (const char **)&srcStr,
                                       NULL, &errNum);


  errNum = clBuildProgram (program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);

  return program;

bool createMemObjects (cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
                       cl_mem* memObject,
                       const int memFloatsSize, float *a) {

        cl_int err;
  *memObject = clCreateBuffer (context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
                              memFloatsSize * sizeof(float), NULL, &err);

  if (*memObject == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "Error creating memory objects. " << std::endl;
    return false;

  Event evWrite("write");
        err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer (queue, *memObject, CL_FALSE, 0, memFloatsSize * sizeof(float),
                        a, 0, NULL, &evWrite.CLEvent());
        err = clWaitForEvents (1, &evWrite.CLEvent());

  return true;


void cleanup (cl_context context, cl_command_queue commandQueue,
              cl_program program, cl_kernel kernel, cl_mem memObject) {

  if (memObject != NULL)
                clReleaseMemObject (memObject);

  if (kernel != NULL)
    clReleaseKernel (kernel);

  if (program != NULL)
    clReleaseProgram (program);


void addBenchmarkSpecOptions(OptionParser &op) {

void RunBenchmark(cl_device_id id,
                  cl_context ctx,
                  cl_command_queue queue,
                  ResultDatabase &resultDB,
                  OptionParser &op)

  for (float i = 0.1; i <= 0.2; i+=0.1 ) {
    std::cout << "Deploying " << 100*i << "%" << std::endl;
                bool verbose = false;

                cl_int errNum;

        cl_program program = 0;
        cl_kernel kernel;
        cl_mem memObject = 0;

        char maxFloatsStr[128];
    char testStr[128];
                program = createProgram (ctx, id, (kernels_folder + kernel_file).c_str());
                if (program == NULL) {
        exit (0);

        if (verbose) std::cout << "Program created successfully!" << std::endl;

        kernel = clCreateKernel (program, "flops", &errNum);

        if (verbose) std::cout << "Kernel created successfully!" << std::endl;
        // Identify maximum size of the global memory on the device side
                cl_long maxAllocSizeBytes = 0;
        cl_long maxComputeUnits = 0;
        cl_long maxWorkGroupSize = 0;
        clGetDeviceInfo (id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE,
                         sizeof(cl_long), &maxAllocSizeBytes, NULL);
        clGetDeviceInfo (id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS,
                         sizeof(cl_long), &maxComputeUnits, NULL);
        clGetDeviceInfo (id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE,
                         sizeof(cl_long), &maxWorkGroupSize, NULL);

                // Let's use 80% of this memory for transferring data
        cl_long maxFloatsUsageSize = ((maxAllocSizeBytes / 4) * 0.8);

        if (verbose) std::cout << "Max floats usage size is " << maxFloatsUsageSize << std::endl;
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Max compute unit is " << maxComputeUnits << std::endl;
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Max Work Group size is " << maxWorkGroupSize << std::endl;

        // Prepare buffer on the host side
        float *a = new float[maxFloatsUsageSize];
        for (int j = 0; j < maxFloatsUsageSize; j++) {
        a[j] = (float) (j % 77);
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Host buffer been prepared!" << std::endl;
        // Creating buffer on the device side
        if (!createMemObjects(ctx, queue, &memObject, maxFloatsUsageSize, a)) {
        exit (0);

        errNum = clSetKernelArg (kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &memObject);

        size_t wg_size, wg_multiple;
        cl_ulong local_mem, private_usage, local_usage;
        errNum = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (kernel, id,
                                         sizeof (wg_size), &wg_size, NULL);
        CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);
        errNum = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (kernel, id,
                                         sizeof (wg_multiple), &wg_multiple, NULL);
        CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);
        errNum = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (kernel, id,
                                         sizeof (local_usage), &local_usage, NULL);
        CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);
        errNum = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (kernel, id,
                                         sizeof (private_usage), &private_usage, NULL);
        CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Work Group size is " << wg_size << std::endl;
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Preferred Work Group size is " << wg_multiple << std::endl;
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Local memory size is " << local_usage << std::endl;
                if (verbose) std::cout << "Private memory size is " << private_usage << std::endl;

        size_t globalWorkSize[1] = {maxFloatsUsageSize};
        size_t localWorkSize[1] = {1};

        Event evKernel("flops");
        errNum = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (queue, kernel, 1, NULL,
                                       globalWorkSize, localWorkSize,
                                       0, NULL, &evKernel.CLEvent());
                CL_CHECK_ERROR (errNum);
        if (verbose) cout << "Waiting for execution to finish ";
        errNum = clWaitForEvents(1, &evKernel.CLEvent());
        if (verbose) cout << "Kernel execution terminated successfully!" << std::endl;
                delete[] a;

        sprintf (maxFloatsStr, "Size: %d", maxFloatsUsageSize);
    sprintf (testStr, "Flops: %f\% Memory", 100*i);
        double flopCount = maxFloatsUsageSize * 16000;
        double gflop = flopCount / (double)(evKernel.SubmitEndRuntime());
                resultDB.AddResult (testStr, maxFloatsStr, "GFLOPS", gflop);

        // Now it's time to read back the data
                a = new float[maxFloatsUsageSize];
                errNum = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, memObject, CL_TRUE, 0, maxFloatsUsageSize*sizeof(float), a, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (verbose) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                std::cout << a[j] << " ";

    delete[] a;
    if (memObject != NULL)
      clReleaseMemObject (memObject);
    if (program != NULL)
      clReleaseProgram (program);
    if (kernel != NULL)
      clReleaseKernel (kernel);
        std::cout << "Program executed successfully!" << std::endl;


解释代码,在内核代码中我实际上做了一个浮点运算,这意味着每一个任务都将在 FOPS 上完成。在主机代码中,我首先检索 GPU 的最大全局内存大小,分配它的一部分(for 循环定义它的多少),然后将数据和内核执行推入其中。我将测量 clEnqueueNDRangeKernel 的执行时间,然后计算应用程序的 GFLOPS。在我当前的实现中,无论 cl_mem 的大小是多少,我都能获得大约 0.28 GFLOPS 的性能,这比宣传的功率要低得多。我假设我在这里做的具体事情效率低下。或者总的来说,我计算 GPU 性能的方法是不正确的。有谁可以告诉我应该对代码进行哪些更改?


1 回答 1

  1. 本地组大小为 1 时,您浪费了 31/32 的资源(因此您最多可以拥有 1/32 的峰值性能)。您需要至少 32 个本地组大小(并且是 32 的倍数)才能充分利用计算资源,并且需要 64 个来实现 100% 的占用率(尽管不需要 100% 的占用率)。

  2. 内存访问具有高延迟和低带宽。如果其他事情正确,您的内核将始终等待内存控制器。你需要做更多的算术运算来让 ALU 忙起来。

  3. 您需要先阅读文档并使用 Visual Profiler。在前两部分中,我只想告诉你,事情比你想象的要奇怪。但更多奇怪的事情正在等待。

您可以使用汇编语言在 CPU 上轻松实现峰值性能(通过仅执行独立的算术运算。如果您用 C 编写此类代码,编译器将简单地删除它)。NVidia 只为我们提供了一个名为 PTX 的 IL 接口,我不确定编译器是否会对其进行优化。我认为你只能在 CUDA 中使用 PTX。

编辑:编译器似乎会优化未使用的 PTX 代码,至少在内联汇编中。

于 2017-04-12T07:07:28.130 回答