
1.) 为 S 形数据绘制最佳拟合曲线。
2.) 根据 x 和 y 的新最大和最小坐标重新调整数据大小。
3.) 为调整大小的数据计算并绘制新的最佳拟合曲线。

第 1 步和第 2 步似乎工作正常,但第 3 步却不行。如果您运行该脚本,您将看到它为调整大小的数据绘制了一条完全无效的曲线。

谁能告诉我如何修改下面的代码,以便它为调整大小的数据创建并绘制真正的最佳拟合 sigmoidal 曲线? 当在可能的最大值和最小值范围内重新调整大小时,这需要可重现。

我似乎能够将问题跟踪到 New_p,它在以下代码行中定义:

New_p, New_cov, New_infodict, New_mesg, New_ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( 



import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import scipy.optimize 

def GetMinRR(age):
    MaxHR = 208-(0.7*age)
    MinRR = (60/MaxHR)*1000
    return MinRR

def sigmoid(p,x):
    y = c / (1 + np.exp(-k*(x-x0))) + y0 
    return y 

def residuals(p,x,y): 
    return y - sigmoid(p,x) 

def resize(x,y,xmin=0.0,xmax=1.0,ymin=0.0,ymax=1.0):
    # Create local variables
    NewX = [t for t in x]
    NewY = [t for t in y]
    # If the mins are greater than the maxs, then flip them.
    if xmin>xmax: xmin,xmax=xmax,xmin 
    if ymin>ymax: ymin,ymax=ymax,ymin
    # The rest of the code below re-calculates all the values in x and then in y with these steps:
    #       1.) Subtract the actual minimum of the input x-vector from each value of x
    #       2.) Multiply each resulting value of x by the result of dividing the difference
    #           between the new xmin and xmax by the actual maximum of the input x-vector
    #       3.) Add the new minimum to each value of x
    # Note: I wrote in x-notation, but the identical process is also repeated for y
    # Subtracts right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c -= a is equivalent to c = c - a
    NewX -= x.min()

    # Multiplies right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c *= a is equivalent to c = c * a
    NewX *= (xmax-xmin)/NewX.max()

    # Adds right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c += a is equivalent to c = c + a
    NewX += xmin

    # Subtracts right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c -= a is equivalent to c = c - a
    NewY -= y.min()

    # Multiplies right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c *= a is equivalent to c = c * a
    NewY *= (ymax-ymin)/NewY.max()

    # Adds right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c += a is equivalent to c = c + a
    NewY += ymin

    return (NewX,NewY)

# Declare raw data for use in creating logistic regression equation
x = np.array([821,576,473,377,326],dtype='float') 
y = np.array([255,235,208,166,157],dtype='float') 

# Call resize() function to re-calculate coordinates that will be used for equation

#x,y=resize(x,y,xmin=0.3, ymin=0.3) 
print 'x is:  ',x 
print 'y is:  ',y
print 'NewX is:  ',NewX
print 'NewY is:  ',NewY

# p_guess is the starting estimate for the minimization

# Calls the leastsq() function, which calls the residuals function with an initial
# guess for the parameters and with the x and y vectors.  The full_output means that
# the function returns all optional outputs.  Note that the residuals function also
# calls the sigmoid function.  This will return the parameters p that minimize the
# least squares error of the sigmoid function with respect to the original x and y
# coordinate vectors that are sent to it.
p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( 

New_p, New_cov, New_infodict, New_mesg, New_ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( 

# Define the optimal values for each element of p that were returned by the leastsq() function.
print('''Reference data:\ 
x0 = {x0} 
y0 = {y0} 
c = {c} 
k = {k} 

print('''New data:\ 
New_x0 = {New_x0} 
New_y0 = {New_y0} 
New_c = {New_c} 
New_k = {New_k} 

# Create a numpy array of x-values
xp = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), x.max()-x.min())
New_xp = np.linspace(NewX.min(), NewX.max(), NewX.max()-NewX.min())
# Return a vector pxp containing all the y values corresponding with the x-values in xp

# Plot the results 
plt.plot(x, y, '>', xp, pxp, 'g-')
plt.plot(NewX, NewY, '^',New_xp, New_pxp, 'r-')

1 回答 1



import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import scipy.optimize 

def GetMinRR(age):
    MaxHR = 208-(0.7*age)
    MinRR = (60/MaxHR)*1000
    return MinRR

def sigmoid(p,x):
    y = c / (1 + np.exp(-k*(x-x0))) + y0 
    return y 

def residuals(p,x,y): 
    return y - sigmoid(p,x) 

def resize(arr,lower=0.0,upper=1.0):
    # Create local copy
    # If the mins are greater than the maxs, then flip them.
    if lower>upper: lower,upper=upper,lower
    # The rest of the code below re-calculates all the values in x and then in y with these steps:
    #       1.) Subtract the actual minimum of the input x-vector from each value of x
    #       2.) Multiply each resulting value of x by the result of dividing the difference
    #           between the new xmin and xmax by the actual maximum of the input x-vector
    #       3.) Add the new minimum to each value of x
    # Subtracts right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c -= a is equivalent to c = c - a
    result -= result.min()

    # Multiplies right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c *= a is equivalent to c = c * a
    result *= (upper-lower)/result.max()

    # Adds right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
    # Note: c += a is equivalent to c = c + a
    result += lower
    return result

# Declare raw data for use in creating logistic regression equation
x = np.array([821,576,473,377,326],dtype='float') 
y = np.array([255,235,208,166,157],dtype='float') 

# Call resize() function to re-calculate coordinates that will be used for equation
# x[-1] returns the last value in x

print(MinRR, MaxRR)
#x,y=resize(x,y,xmin=0.3, ymin=0.3) 
print 'x is:  ',x 
print 'y is:  ',y
print 'NewX is:  ',NewX
print 'NewY is:  ',NewY

# p_guess is the starting estimate for the minimization

# Calls the leastsq() function, which calls the residuals function with an initial
# guess for the parameters and with the x and y vectors.  The full_output means that
# the function returns all optional outputs.  Note that the residuals function also
# calls the sigmoid function.  This will return the parameters p that minimize the
# least squares error of the sigmoid function with respect to the original x and y
# coordinate vectors that are sent to it.
p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( 

New_p, New_cov, New_infodict, New_mesg, New_ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( 

# Define the optimal values for each element of p that were returned by the leastsq() function.
print('''Reference data:\ 
x0 = {x0} 
y0 = {y0} 
c = {c} 
k = {k} 

print('''New data:\ 
New_x0 = {New_x0} 
New_y0 = {New_y0} 
New_c = {New_c} 
New_k = {New_k} 

# Create a numpy array of x-values
xp = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), x.max()-x.min())
New_xp = np.linspace(NewX.min(), NewX.max(), NewX.max()-NewX.min())
# Return a vector pxp containing all the y values corresponding with the x-values in xp

# Plot the results 
plt.plot(x, y, '>', xp, pxp, 'g-')
plt.plot(NewX, NewY, '^',New_xp, New_pxp, 'r-')


您的其他相关问题尚未结束,您似乎已经注册了两次,并且 stackoverflow 不允许您编辑其他问题,因为它无法识别此用户与此用户 相同。

主要是我在上面的代码中所做的就是改变New_p_guess. 为初始猜测找到正确的值是一种艺术。如果可以通过算法完成,scipy 就不会要求您这样做。一点点分析以及对数据的“感觉”都会有所帮助。提前知道解决方案应该大致是什么样子,因此在问题的上下文中什么值是合理的也有帮助。(这只是说我猜到了我选择 k=0.01 的方式。)

于 2010-12-02T00:41:07.263 回答