
我的代码连接来自给定数组的相似值(通过卡方测量相似度),然后有一些阈值来决定中心数组值与其 8 个邻居的比较值。然后,据此,我创建了一个新数组“簇”,它将中心值与其相似邻居的值相加并除以 2。然后据此,必须标记所有相似值。


如您所见,有 4 个对象,只有最高数是 26 而不是 4。那么我该如何解决这个问题?

    #include "timer.h"
    #include <openacc.h>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    #if _OPENACC

        double array[8][8]=

        } ;
        int height = 8;
        int width = 8;
        double cc[9][9];
        double top_right[9][9]= {};
        double thresh_array[9][9]= {};
        double top[9][9]= {};
        double top_left[9][9]= {};
        double left[9][9]= {};
        double center[9][9]= {};
        double right[9][9]= {};
        double bot_right[9][9]= {};
        double bot[9][9]= {};
        double bot_left[9][9]= {};
        int label [9][9] = {} ;
        double cluster[9][9] = {};
        double cluster_v;

        // Dis-Similarity Check via Chi-Square equation to find the similarity between central pixel and 8-neighbors
        // i+2 so it would only compare central pixels with its neighbors,to reduce the calculations needed
        for (int i=1; i<8; i+=2)
            for (int j=0; j <( width); j++)

                if (array[i][j]!= 0)
                    top_left[i-1][j] =  (  (pow((array[i][j] - array[i-1][j-1]),2.0)) / (array[i][j] + array[i-1][j-1])                 );

                    top[i-1][j] =       (     (pow((array[i][j]-array[i-1][j]),2.0)) / (array[i][j] + array[i-1][j])                     );

                    top_right[i-1][j] = ( (pow((array[i][j]- array[i-1][j+1]),2.0)) / (array[i][j] + array [i-1][j+1])                            );

                    left[i-1][j] = ( (pow((array[i][j]-array[i][j-1]),2.0)) / (array[i][j] + array[i][j-1])             );

                    right[i-1][j] = ( (pow((array[i][j]-array[i][j+1]),2.0))/(array[i][j] + array[i][j+1]));

                    bot_left [i-1][j] = ((pow((array[i][j]-array[i+1][j-1]),2.0)) / (array[i][j] + array[i+1][j-1]));

                    bot [i-1][j] = ( (pow((array[i][j]-array[i+1][j]),2.0))/(array[i][j] + array[i+1][j]));

                    bot_right [i-1][j] = ( (pow((array[i][j]-array[i+1][j+1]),2.0))/(array[i][j] + array[i+1][j+1]));




        double threshold=1000;

    // calculating the smallest threshold to construct a new array with only similar neighbors showing
        for (int i=1; i<(height); i+=2)

            for (int j=0; j < (width); j++)

                threshold = 1000;
                (threshold <= top_left[i-1][j])? : threshold = top_left[i-1][j];
                (threshold <= top[i-1][j])? : threshold = top[i-1][j];
                (threshold <= top_right[i-1][j])? : threshold = top_right[i-1][j];
                (threshold <=left[i-1][j])? : threshold = left[i-1][j];
                (threshold <= right[i-1][j])? : threshold = right[i-1][j];
                (threshold <= bot[i-1][j])? : threshold = bot[i-1][j];
                (threshold <= bot_left[i-1][j])? : threshold = bot_left[i-1][j];
                (threshold <=bot_right[i-1][j])? : threshold = bot_right[i-1][j];
                thresh_array[i-1][j] = threshold;


    // constructing the new array "cluster"
    // if the pixels are less that a threshold of 0.016, it is summed with the central pixel and divided by 2
        for (int i=1; i<height; i+=2)

            for (int j=0; j < (width); j++)
                if ( thresh_array[i-1][j] <0.016 && array[i-1][j] !=0)

                    cluster_v =0;
                    if(top_left[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i-1][j-1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i-1][j-1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (top[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i-1][j] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i-1][j] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (top_right[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i-1][j+1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i-1][j+1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (left[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i][j-1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i][j-1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (right[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i][j+1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i][j+1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (bot_left[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i+1][j-1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i+1][j-1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (bot[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i+1][j] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i+1][j] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;

                    if (bot_right[i-1][j] == thresh_array[i-1][j])
                        cluster_v = ((array[i+1][j+1] + array[i][j])/2);
                        cluster[i+1][j+1] = cluster_v;
                        cluster[i][j] = cluster_v;



        // First pass of connected components labeling, checks the current pixel with top and left pixels from the new array
        // according to conditions
        int x=1, y=0;
        for (int i=0; i<height; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<width; j++)
                if(cluster[i][j] >0)
                    if(cluster[i-1][j] >0 )
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if (cluster[i-1][j+1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if(cluster[i-1][j-1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if(cluster [i][j-1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if (cluster[i+1][j] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if(cluster [i][j+1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if(cluster [i+1][j+1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;
                    if(cluster [i+1][j-1] >0)
                        label[i][j] = x;

                if(cluster[i][j] ==0)

                cout << cluster[i][j] <<" ";
            cout << endl;

        cout << endl;
        cout << "First pass" << endl;
        for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<8; j++)

                cout << label[i][j] <<" "   ;
            cout << endl;
        cout << endl;

    // second pass of connected components labeling
        int z=0;
        while (z<(1000))

            for(int j=0; j<height; j++)
                for(int i=(width-1); i>=0; i--)
                    if(label[i][j] >0 )
                        if(label[i-1][j] >0 )
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j],label[i-1][j]);
                        if (label[i-1][j+1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j],label[i-1][j+1]);
                        if(label[i-1][j-1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j],label[i-1][j-1]);
                        if(label [i][j-1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j],label[i][j-1]);
                        if (label[i+1][j] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j], label[i+1][j]);
                        if(label [i][j+1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j], label[i][j+1]);
                        if(label [i+1][j+1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j], label[i+1][j+1]);
                        if(label [i+1][j-1] >0)
                            label[i][j] = min(label[i][j], label[i+1][j-1]);


        cout << "Second Pass" << endl;

        for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<8; j++)

                cout << label[i][j] <<" "   ;
            cout << endl;



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