我将 TF.LEARN 与 mnist 数据一起使用。我以 0.96 的准确度训练了我的神经网络,但现在我不确定如何预测一个值。
#getting mnist data to a zip in the computer.
mnist.SOURCE_URL = 'https://web.archive.org/web/20160117040036/http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/'
trainX, trainY, testX, testY = mnist.load_data(one_hot=True)
# Define the neural network
def build_model():
# This resets all parameters and variables
net = tflearn.input_data([None, 784])
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 100, activation='ReLU')
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 10, activation='softmax')
net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer='sgd', learning_rate=0.1, loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# This model assumes that your network is named "net"
model = tflearn.DNN(net)
return model
# Build the model
model = build_model()
model.fit(trainX, trainY, validation_set=0.1, show_metric=True, batch_size=100, n_epoch=8)
#Here is the problem
#lets say I want to predict what my neural network will reply back if I put back the send value from my trainX
the value of trainX[2] is 4
pred = model.predict([trainX[2]])
#What I get is
[[2.6109733880730346e-05, 4.549271125142695e-06, 1.8098366126650944e-05, 0.003199575003236532, 0.20630565285682678, 0.0003870908112730831, 4.902480941382237e-05, 0.006617342587560415, 0.018498118966817856, 0.764894425868988]]
我想要的是-> 4
问题是我不确定如何使用这个预测函数并输入 trainX 值来获得预测。