以下代码适用于在 Word 文档中查找完全重复的段落。它会忽略比 min_chars 长度短的段落,但我也希望它忽略具有某种风格的段落。

那么有人可以帮助我在第一个 If 语句中添加 'or if left(paragraph style, 3) <> "XXX" ' 的语法吗?


ReDim Para_text(1 To Para_count) 'i.e. to last paragraph in document

For Para_num = 1 To Para_count
    Para_text(Para_num) = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(Para_num).range.Text
Next Para_num

For Para_A = 1 To Para_count
    For Para_B = Para_A + 1 To (Para_count - 1)
'Ignore paragraphs < min_chars characters in length (entered on user form, default 100)
    If Para_text(Para_A) Like "**" Or Para_text(Para_B) Like "**" Or Len(Para_text(Para_A)) < Form_min_chars_box Or Len(Para_text(Para_B)) < Form_min_chars_box Then 
        If Para_text(Para_A) = Para_text(Para_B) Then
        Page_A = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
        Page_B = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
    ' Add a comment at this found location:
        Call Repeat_Comment(Count_repeats, Para_A, Para_B, Page_A, Page_B)
    End If
End If
Next Para_B
Next Para_A

Sub Repeat_Comment(Count_repeats As Integer, Para_A As Integer, Para_B As Integer, Page_A As Integer, Page_B As Integer)
'Adds a comment whenever a duplicate paragraph is found
Count_repeats = Count_repeats + 1
    With ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(Selection.range, "This paragraph is also on page " & Page_A)
        .Initial = "Repeat "
        .Author = "Repeated"
    End With
End Sub

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