How can I programmatically create a ToolStripDropDown in a winform project ? I want to associate this item to a TextBox (showing last entries) and it appears when clicking on a Button.

It should be on the red line :

enter image description here

Edit : I actually have :

Class MyClass : UserControl
    //Created in designer :
    // Button buttonName;
    // TextBox textboxName;
    // List<String> lastNames;

    // I want to create
    ToolStripDropDown toolStripName;

    public MyClass ()
        toolStripName = new ToolStripDropDown();
        toolStripName.OwnerItem = textboxName; // Want to define the textbox as owner
        buttonName.Click += ButtonName_Click;
        toolStripName.Items = lastNames; // I want to display the last names saved

    private void ButtonName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

This code doesn't work. I never used a ToolStripDropDown and I don't know how to use it.


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