
例如,在 Ruby 标准库或 Rails 中是否有任何真实性的例子?



4 回答 4


添加一个?在 Ruby 中为方法名称添加一个惯用的方法是该方法将返回 true 或 false。对象#nil?是一个很好的例子。事实上,Object 有很多真实性检查的好例子。

于 2010-11-27T01:40:09.273 回答

It is usual for methods ending with ? to return either true or false but it is not systematic and no core method will assume it.

An example in the core classes is Numeric#nonzero? which never returns true or false.

42.nonzero? # => 42

The library Set has add? and delete? too. I wish Enumerable#one? returned nil or false to distinguish cases where the count is zero from when it is greater than one.

A similar example are the comparison operators (<, >, ...), which usually return only true or false. Here again exceptions exist for Module's operators that will return nil instead when the two modules are not related:

Array > Enumerable  # => false
Array > Fixnum      # => nil
于 2010-11-28T11:15:58.437 回答


从技术上讲,在进行条件测试时,任何返回 afalsenil值的东西都充当 false 布尔值,就像非 nil 或true值充当 true 一样。因此,在您想知道某物是否为整数的大多数情况下,所讨论的方法都可以正常工作。

但从风格上讲,一种以“?”结尾的方法 应该返回一个布尔值truefalse仅返回那些。

所讨论的方法并不能很好地满足我们的期望,并且未能通过 POLS(“最小意外原则”),因为您可以合理地期望返回一个布尔值,并得到一个整数或零。nil当代码因意外或 Fixnum 值而失败时,这可能会导致代码中出现令人不快的意外。


于 2010-11-27T02:53:48.820 回答

I renamed the method in question to remove the ?, which was really not important to the question being answered. Scanning through the core functions that end in ?s, the only ones I spotted that returned data or nil were the add? and delete? methods on Set.

于 2010-11-27T03:07:20.887 回答