使用 C#,BitmapMetadata
处理来自 Adobe Lightroom 的图像。photoshop:DateCreated
尽管我可以在记事本和 Lightroom 中看到它,但我无法到达现场。我还没有找到适合我的解决方案。感谢任何建议。
// This works for getting lots of the items I see in Lightroom.
BitmapSource img = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(str_imagePath));
BitmapMetadata meta = (BitmapMetadata)img.Metadata;
// can find Title, Rating, Subject, keyWords, authors, comment, copyright
Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", meta.Title);
Console.WriteLine(" Rating: {0}", meta.Rating);
// can not get to photoshop:DateCreated - hoping query would work
if (meta.ContainsQuery(@"photoshop:DateCreated"))
Console.WriteLine(" contains1 ");
// briefly, here is what I can see in notepad: photoshop string comes right after rating
我已将此链接包含到我的 tiff 文件中。