total = lpSum([num[i].varValue for i in ind])
for d in length:
# get list of items that satisfy the conditional
items_length_d = list(compress(items,[work[i]==work_group[d] for i in items]))
# use that list to calculate the amount of items in the group (an item can occur multiple times)
amount[d] = lpSum([num[dl] for dl in items_length_d])
max_d[d] = total*perc_max[d] + 1
min_d[d] = total*perc_min[d] - 1
prob += max_d[d] >= amount[d]
prob += min_d[d] <= amount[d]
如何确保每个 max_d 和 min_d 值都是整数?最好,我还想四舍五入 max_d,同时截断 min_d。
通过更改total = lpSum([num[i].varValue for i in ind])
为total = lpSum([num[i] for i in ind])
. 但是,最小值和最大值仍然是浮点数。如果有人知道如何将这些转换为整数,仍然会非常感谢您的回答。