在使用 Test::WWW::Selenium 在网页上执行操作时,我的 perl 程序将 TAP 测试用例输出写入由 TAP::Harness 创建和更新的 html 报告。

我的 Selenium 客户端必须登录一些受密码保护的网页,这是不可避免的。因此密码显示在 TAP 输出中。

ok 1 - open, /homepage-with-loginform.html, true 
ok 2 - type, id_username, JoeSixp 
ok 3 - type, id_password, secrIt

为了从 HTML 输出中删除密码,我想出了下面的函数,但它不起作用。任何人都可以帮忙吗?


my $fmt = TAP::Formatter::HTML->new;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( { formatter => $fmt, merge => 1 } );
$harness->test_args( [ "--browser=$browser", "--config=$h{config}" ] ); 
my $agg     = $harness->runtests(@tests);

#remove passwords from HTML report
remove_password( \%h, $fmt ); # %h is an options hash

sub remove_password {

    # remove password from HTML report
    my ( $h, $fmt ) = @_;
    my $passwd = $h->{password} ||  "xxx-xxx";
    my $outhtml = ${ $fmt->html() };

    #from the TAP::Harness perldoc
    #html() - This is a reference to the scalar containing the html generated on the last test run.
    #Useful if you have "verbosity" set to silent, and have not provided a custom "output_fh" to write the report to.       

    note("replacing password with xxx-xxx in html file");

    $fmt->html(\$outhtml); # does not work
    $outhtml =~ s/$passwd/xxxxxx/msg; # works

        local $/ = undef;
        my $fh = $fmt->output_fh(); #An IO::Handle filehandle for printing the HTML report to.
        if ( $fh->opened){
                     # ??? HOW DO I unobtrusively truncate the file here?
             print $fh $outhtml;  # writes back censored HTML output



我认为这不是一个简单的“我如何使用 perl 截断文件”的问题。

该文件已经被一些库代码打开,并且该代码应该可以在 unix 和 windows 上运行。该程序应该继续使用 $fh ,我不想自己打开和关闭它,因为它可能会混淆 TAP::Formatter::HTML 模块并且它可能会停止正常工作。


#this gets the job done but it is kind of brutal
my $outf = $h->{outfile};
if ( $fh->opened){
   open $fh, ">", $outf or die "cannnot open '$outf' for truncating and writing:$!";
   print $fh $outhtml;              
  close $fh;

1 回答 1


嗯...一种可能但简单的方法是覆盖 TAP::Parser::Result::Test 中的描述方法(我很确定它应该通过子类来完成,但早上太早了,无法找出正确的方法)。


# Original: sub description { shift->{description} }
*TAP::Parser::Result::Test::description = sub {
     my $description = shift->{description}; 
     $description =~ s/type, id_password, .*$/type, id_password, XXX_PASSWORD_REMOVED_XXX/;
     return $description;
于 2010-11-25T12:04:50.683 回答