我一直在使用基于矢量的大地测量学中提到的出色的编写和 JavaScript 库, 用于基于矢量的球面 LatLong 点和距离计算。它几乎具有我需要的所有功能和属性,除了(据我所知)在给定已知方位的情况下确定垂直方位的能力。当我知道通过同一给定点的初始方位时,我希望能够在与给定点垂直的方位上识别一个新点。
想要确定垂直点的背景是我正在处理地面上的区域,我知道地面上两个点的纬度/经度,并且我想在两个已知点之间的地图上绘制一个矩形多边形(它们分别位于矩形的两个相对边缘的中点 - 矩形的开始和结束边缘),使用需要计算的 4 个角点和为矩形提供的 X 宽度。我需要确定 4 个角点坐标是什么。从中找到垂线的原始方位角只是两个原点之间的方位角。
* Determine bearing at a rotational angle from a known bearing and from ‘this’ point
* @param {number} bearing - Initial bearing in degrees from north.
* @param {number} angle - Rotation angle in degrees (i.e. 90 or -90)
* @returns {number} Bearing at rotation angle to provided bearing
LatLon.prototype.bearingAtAngle(bearing,angle) {
# Is this simply bearing + angle and no adjustments are needed?
return bearing + angle;
# Or do we need to adjust for where the point is located and the original bearing?
* Determine perpendicular bearing from a known bearing and rotation direction from ‘this’ point
* @param {number} bearing - Initial bearing in degrees from north.
* @param {string} rotation - “+” or “-“ (or could be “positive”/“negative”, “clockwise”/“counterClockwise”,0/1 or something to indicate which rotational direction to use to determine the perpendicular bearing)
* @returns {number} Bearing perpendicular to provided bearing and direction
LatLon.prototype.perpendicularBearing(bearing,rotation) {
var angle = rotation == “+” ? 90 : -90;
return this.bearingAtAngle(bearing,angle);
* Determine a point at a distance from ’this’ point along bearing that is perpendicular to a known bearing through the same point
* @param {number} bearing - Initial bearing in degrees from north
* @param {string} rotation - “+” or “-“ (or could be “positive”/“negative”, “clockwise”/“counterclockwise”,0/1 or something to indicate which rotational direction to use to determine the perpendicular bearing)
* @param {number} distance - Distance travelled, in same units as earth radius (default: metres).
* @returns {number} Bearing perpendicular to provided bearing and direction
LatLon.prototype.perpendicularPoint(bearing, rotation, distance) {
var perpendicularBearing = this.perpendicularBearing(bearing,rotation);
# use distance along this newly determined perpendicularBearing
return this.destinationPoint(distance, perpendicularBearing);