是否可以获得 android 格式的 Me 超声波传感器的 ardunio 代码?代码来自制造商,采用 arduino 格式,但我需要在 android 中将其连接到 IOIO 板而不是 arduino。我不知道如何转换它或从一开始就使用它来编写我自己的代码。

代码如下所示。* 任何人的回应将不胜感激。

 * \par Copyright (C), 2012-2016, MakeBlock
 * \class MeUltrasonicSensor
 * \brief   Driver for Me ultrasonic sensor device.
 * @file    MeUltrasonicSensor.cpp
 * @author  MakeBlock
 * @version V1.0.2
 * @date    2016/06/25
 * @brief   Driver for Me ultrasonic sensor device.
 * \par Copyright
 * This software is Copyright (C), 2012-2016, MakeBlock. Use is subject to license \n
 * conditions. The main licensing options available are GPL V2 or Commercial: \n
 * \par Open Source Licensing GPL V2
 * This is the appropriate option if you want to share the source code of your \n
 * application with everyone you distribute it to, and you also want to give them \n
 * the right to share who uses it. If you wish to use this software under Open \n
 * Source Licensing, you must contribute all your source code to the open source \n
 * community in accordance with the GPL Version 2 when your application is \n
 * distributed. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * \par Description
 * This file is a drive for Me ultrasonic sensor device, It supports ultrasonic sensor
 * V3.0 provided by the MakeBlock.
 * \par Method List:
 *    1. void MeUltrasonicSensor::setpin(uint8_t SignalPin)
 *    2. double MeUltrasonicSensor::distanceCm(uint16_t MAXcm)
 *    3. double MeUltrasonicSensor::distanceInch(uint16_t MAXinch)
 *    4. long MeUltrasonicSensor::measure(unsigned long timeout)
 * \par History:
 * <pre>
 * `<Author>`         `<Time>`        `<Version>`        `<Descr>`
 * Mark Yan         2015/09/04     1.0.0            Rebuild the old lib.
 * Mark Yan         2015/11/16     1.0.1            Increase 100us delay, avoid ultrasonic read exception.
 * Mark Yan         2016/06/25     1.0.2            Modify Read mechanism of ultrasonic waves.
 * </pre>
 * @example UltrasonicSensorTest.ino
#include "MeUltrasonicSensor.h"

 * Alternate Constructor which can call your own function to map the ultrasonic sensor to arduino port,
 * no pins are used or initialized here.
 * \param[in]
 *   None
MeUltrasonicSensor::MeUltrasonicSensor(void) : MePort(0)


 * Alternate Constructor which can call your own function to map the ultrasonic Sensor to arduino port
 * \param[in]
 *   port - RJ25 port from PORT_1 to M2
MeUltrasonicSensor::MeUltrasonicSensor(uint8_t port) : MePort(port)

 * Alternate Constructor which can call your own function to map the ultrasonic Sensor to arduino port,
 * it will assigned the signal pin.
 * \param[in]
 *   port - arduino port(should analog pin)
MeUltrasonicSensor::MeUltrasonicSensor(uint8_t port)
  _SignalPin = port;
  _lastEnterTime = millis();
  _measureFlag = true;
  _measureValue = 0;

 * \par Function
 *   setpin
 * \par Description
 *   Reset the ultrasonic Sensor available PIN by its arduino port.
 * \param[in]
 *   SignalPin - arduino port for sensor read(should analog pin)
 * \par Output
 *   None
 * \return
 *   None
 * \par Others
 *   None
void MeUltrasonicSensor::setpin(uint8_t SignalPin)
  _SignalPin = SignalPin;
  _lastEnterTime = millis();
  _measureFlag = true;
  _measureValue = 0;
  s2 = _SignalPin;

 * \par Function
 *   distanceCm
 * \par Description
 *   Centimeters return the distance
 * \param[in]
 *   MAXcm - The Max centimeters can be measured, the default value is 400.
 * \par Output
 *   None
 * \return
 *   The distance measurement in centimeters
 * \par Others
 *   None
double MeUltrasonicSensor::distanceCm(uint16_t MAXcm)
  long distance = measure(MAXcm * 55 + 200);
  if(distance == 0)
    distance = MAXcm * 58;
  return( (double)distance / 58.0);

 * \par Function
 *   distanceInch
 * \par Description
 *   Inch return the distance
 * \param[in]
 *   MAXinch - The Max inch can be measured, the default value is 180.
 * \par Output
 *   None
 * \return
 *   The distance measurement in inch
 * \par Others
 *   None
double MeUltrasonicSensor::distanceInch(uint16_t MAXinch)
  long distance = measure(MAXinch * 145 + 200);
  if(distance == 0)
    distance = MAXinch * 148;
  return( (double)(distance / 148.0) );

 * \par Function
 *   measure
 * \par Description
 *   To get the duration of the ultrasonic sensor
 * \param[in]
 *   timeout - This value is used to define the measurement range, The
 *   default value is 30000.
 * \par Output
 *   None
 * \return
 *   The duration value associated with distance
 * \par Others
 *   None
long MeUltrasonicSensor::measure(unsigned long timeout)
  long duration;
  if(millis() - _lastEnterTime > 23)
    _measureFlag = true; 

  if(_measureFlag == true)
    _lastEnterTime = millis();
    _measureFlag = false;
    pinMode(s2, INPUT);
    duration = pulseIn(s2, HIGH, timeout);
    _measureValue = duration;
    duration = _measureValue;

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