import inspect
def get_user_attributes(cls):
boring = dir(type('dummy', (object,), {}))
return [item
for item in inspect.getmembers(cls)
if item[0] not in boring]
def get_user_attributes(cls):
boring = dir(type('dummy', (object,), {}))
attrs = {}
bases = reversed(inspect.getmro(cls))
for base in bases:
if hasattr(base, '__dict__'):
elif hasattr(base, '__slots__'):
if hasattr(base, base.__slots__[0]):
# We're dealing with a non-string sequence or one char string
for item in base.__slots__:
attrs[item] = getattr(base, item)
# We're dealing with a single identifier as a string
attrs[base.__slots__] = getattr(base, base.__slots__)
for key in boring:
del attrs['key'] # we can be sure it will be present so no need to guard this
return attrs
来忽略。然后它获取传递给它的类的 mro 并以相反的顺序遍历它,以便子类键可以覆盖超类键。它返回一个键值对字典。如果你想要一个键值元组的列表,比如 ininspect.getmembers
然后在 Python 3 中返回attrs.items()
如果您实际上不想遍历 mro 并且只想直接在子类上定义属性,那么它更容易:
def get_user_attributes(cls):
boring = dir(type('dummy', (object,), {}))
if hasattr(cls, '__dict__'):
attrs = cls.__dict__.copy()
elif hasattr(cls, '__slots__'):
if hasattr(base, base.__slots__[0]):
# We're dealing with a non-string sequence or one char string
for item in base.__slots__:
attrs[item] = getattr(base, item)
# We're dealing with a single identifier as a string
attrs[base.__slots__] = getattr(base, base.__slots__)
for key in boring:
del attrs['key'] # we can be sure it will be present so no need to guard this
return attrs