Can you convert

-- tupleUnfold :: forall a. ((forall b. a -> b)) -> a -> ((b))
tupleUnfold :: Int -> ExpQ
tupleUnfold n = do
  xs <- forM [1 .. n] (const . newName $ "x")
  y <- newName "y"
  let y' = varE y
      g (ps', es') x = (varP x : ps', appE (varE x) y' : es')
      (ps, es) = foldl' g ([], []) xs
  lamE [tupP ps, varP y] (tupE es)

to pointfree style while maintaining clarity (I know of the program 'pointfree', but would prefer not to obfuscate the code even more)?

Either way, what changes could be made to improve the style of the function, or otherwise makes its intent clearer? The function is intended to be used as below.

$(tupleUnfold 3) ((+ 1), (+ 2), (+ 3)) 2
-- (3, 4, 5)

What are some better naming conventions to use (see the ps, ps', es, and es' variables)?


3 回答 3


这就是我得到的。需要Control.Arrow (&&&)Control.Applicative (<$>)

tupleUnfold :: Int -> ExpQ
tupleUnfold n = do
    y <- newName "y"
    (ps,es) <- unzip . map (varP &&& (`appE` varE y) . varE) 
                <$> replicateM n (newName "x")
    lamE [tupP ps, varP y] (tupE es)


编辑虽然不是免费的,但这是我能做到的最清楚的。需求Data.Function (on)

tupleUnfold :: Int -> ExpQ
tupleUnfold n = do
    y <- newName "y"
    xs <- replicateM n (newName "x")
    let exps = tupE $ zipWith appVars xs (repeat y)
        pats = tupP $ map varP xs
    lamE [pats, varP y] exps
    appVars = appE `on` varE
于 2010-11-21T01:39:30.073 回答


tupleUnfold n = do
  y <- newName "y"
  uncurry lamE . ((:[varP y]) . tupP *** tupE) . unzip .   
   map (varP &&& (`appE` varE y) . varE) <$> replicateM n (newName "x")


tupleUnfold n = do
  y <- newName "y"
  uncurry lamE . ((tupP >>> (:[varP y])) *** tupE) . unzip .
    map (varP &&& (varE >>> (`appE` varE y))) <$> replicateM n (newName "x")


tupleUnfold n = do
  y <- newName "y"
  (map (varP &&& (varE >>> (`appE` varE y))) >>> unzip >>>
    ((tupP >>> (:[varP y])) *** tupE) >>> uncurry lamE) <$> replicateM n (newName "x")

注意箭头函数(>>>)等价于翻转 (.)

于 2010-11-22T05:57:48.843 回答


tupleUnfold :: Int -> ExpQ
tupleUnfold = mapM (const . newName $ "x") . enumFromTo 1 >=> \xs -> do
    y <- newName "y"
    let y' = varE y
        g (ps', es') x = (varP x : ps', appE (varE x) y' : es')
        f ps = lamE [tupP ps, varP y] . tupE
    uncurry f $ foldl' g ([],[]) xs

Kleisli 组合运算符>=>(来自 Control.Monad)对于创建无点单子函数很有用。

于 2010-11-21T01:11:48.507 回答