

foldMatrixByRow :: (Array D DIM1 Double -> Array D DIM1 Double -> Int -> Array D DIM1 Double)
                    -> Array D DIM1 Double
                    -> Array U DIM2 Double
                    -> Array D DIM1 Double

foldMatrixByRow f intial mat = foldMatrixByRowUtil f intial (mat, 0)
                              where foldMatrixByRowUtil f initial (mat, i)
                                      | i == n = initial
                                      | otherwise = foldMatrixByRowUtil f result (mat, i + 1)
                                      where result = f matRow initial i
                                            matRow = delayNRow mat i
                                            (Z :. n :. _) = extent mat
  • repa's 等与上述折叠的区别在于foldSfoldP折叠函数将 2 个DIM1 延迟数组作为参数。
  • 更重要的是,为了帮助循环融合,它返回一个延迟数组 ( Array D DIM1 Double)。


backsubstitution :: Array U DIM2 Double -> Array U DIM1 Double -> Array D DIM1 Double                                                           
backsubstitution mat bs = foldMatrixByRow f initial mat
                                    f matRow sols i = fromFunction (extent bs) intArr 
                                            intArr (Z :. j) | i == j = rowComp | j < i = 0.0 | otherwise = sols R.! (Z :. j) 
                                            intc = ((bs ! (Z :. i)) - (rowComp)) / (matRow ! (Z :.i))
                                            rowComp = sumAllS $ traverse2Backwards matRow sols g     
                                            g m s (i', _) = if i < i' then m * s else 0.0

                                    initial = fromFunction (extent bs) (\ _ -> 0)
  • 为了帮助循环融合我,故意使initial 延迟matRow计算delayNRow它还计算一个延迟数组(delayNRow代码在下一个项目符号之后提供)。
  • fromFunction类型签名肯定会返回一个延迟的数组。

    delayNRow :: Array U DIM2 Double -> Int -> Array D DIM1 Double

    delayNRow arr n = R.slice arr (Any :. n :. All)



 Couldn't match type `D' with `U'
 Expected type: Array D DIM1 Double -> Array D DIM1 Double -> Int -> Array D DIM1 Double
 Actual type: Array U DIM1 Double  -> Array U DIM1 Double -> Int -> Array D DIM1 Double
In the first argument of `foldMatrixByRow', namely `f'
In the expression: foldMatrixByRow f initial mat
In an equation for `backsubstitution':
 In an equation for `backsubstitution':
 backsubstitution mat bs
   = foldMatrixByRow f initial mat
       f matRow sols i
         = fromFunction (extent bs) intArr
         where ...

tldr; 为什么我得到输入到数组的错误fbacksubstitutionU我为它们提供延迟的数组(D)。


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