If I published a free Application in Google play,then how to make this Application as paid Application or add In-App purchase feature?

I read in developer document,

Once you publish your app as a free app, you cannot ever change it to being a priced app. However, you can still sell in-app products and subscriptions through Google Play's In-app Billing service. If you publish your app as a priced app, you can change it at any time to being a free app (but cannot then change it back to priced). You can also sell in-app products and subscriptions.

  1. Can I remove or delete existing free Application and publish again as paid with same package name?
  2. Can I add In-App purchase option for existing free Application with update?

1 回答 1



不可以。一旦使用包名称发布应用程序,无论该应用程序是处于已发布还是未发布状态,Google 都会认为该特定包名称将永远被 Google 使用。



于 2013-04-10T15:37:50.103 回答