I have a Profile -> Photo relationship on the "server" application. The client application would the ability to upload up to three photos to the server side.
A side note: I am using Paperclip plugin on the serving app.
I have done something like this successfully with a one-to-one relationship but never with a has_many.
Naturally, ActiveResource does not have the build method.
How can each Photo be initialized?
will not work
How will this be accomplished in the view also? I was considering manually coding 3 file_fields naming each one. e.g.
<%= file_field_tag 'profile[photos_attributes][0][data]' %>
<%= file_field_tag 'profile[photos_attributes][1][data]' %>
<%= file_field_tag 'profile[photos_attributes][2][data]' %>
would I need a fields_for block for each photo instance?
Long story short, how do I successfully initialize/accept the form data for Profile and its child model, Photo?