Azure Portal used to have these really helpful shortcuts, recently I've discovered some of those do not work. Any one got any idea if they changed completely or removed or? If they changed, where's the updated list?
Hub Menu – when you are focused on the left hand ‘hub’ in the portal:
H – shows the portal start board (as customised by you!) # doesnt work
N – shows the notification hub and any recent notifications # works as "C" now
A – shows the active journey hub – this is a starting point for any sets of blades you have opened (a VM’s configuration, etc) # doesnt work
/ – show the search hub # works as earlier
B – shows the billing hub (all your subscriptions and credit left) # opens some navigation sidebar
C – shows the Create/New Hub blade # works as earlier
Blade Navigation – If you have several blades open (e.g. VMs, a VM, a VM’s setting) you can navigate between the individual blades (i.e. between the blades in an active journey)
J – move the input focus to the prior blade # doesnt work
K – move the input focus to the next blade # doesnt work
F – move the input focus to first blade # doesnt work
L- move the input focus to the last blade # doesnt work
Tested on preview and current portal with latest Edge and Opera