这是我想要完成的。我能够成功地抓取一个网页,然后提取我需要的信息,并且我已经在几个网站上运行了这个,其中分页链接在 href 属性中很容易获得。我的问题是当分页变量是动态的时如何导航到下一页:
<a class="clickPage" href="javascript:previousPage()">1</a>
<a class="clickPage active" href="javascript:currentPage()">2</a>
<a class="clickPage" href="javascript:nextPage()">Next Page</a>
var request = require('request'), // simplified HTTP request client
cheerio = require('cheerio'), // lean implementation of core jQuery
Xray = require('x-ray'), //
x = Xray(),
fs = require('fs'); // file system i/o
TODO: Make this feature dynamic, to take in the URL of the page
var pageUrl;
var status = 'for sale';
var counter = 0;
x('http://www.example.com/results/1', '.results', [{
id: 'div.grid@id', // extracts the value from the attribute id
title: 'div.info h2',
category: 'span.category',
price: 'p.price',
count: counter+1, // why doesnt this update? this never shows in the json
status: status // this value never shows up in the json
此外,计数和状态的值永远不会显示在生成的 JSON 文件中。不知道我在这里做错了什么,但肯定会感谢所有帮助。