我 imaqColorHistogram(...)
在 CVI 中使用 NI VISION,它为我提供了每个平面的报告,对于我在需要包含绿点的图像上选择的颜色模式(RGB、HSL HSV、HSI、CIE、CIEXYZ)(该点是大部分图片)
int* histogram; //An array describing the number of pixels that fell into each class.
int histogramCount; //The number of elements in the histogram array.
float min; //The smallest pixel value that the function classified.
float max; //The largest pixel value that the function classified.
float start; //The smallest pixel value that fell into the first class.
float width; //The size of each class.
float mean; //The mean value of the pixels that the function classified.
float stdDev; //The standard deviation of the pixels that the function classified.
int numPixels; //The number of pixels that the function classified.