
我在这里做了一些改变,但我仍然没有得到我期望得到的东西。例如,当我用 a 代替 1,用 b 代替 2,用 c 代替 2 时,我应该得到 -1+i 和 -1-i,但是当我运行代码时,它会得到 -0.73205+i 和 -2.73205+i。我该如何解决?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    double a, b, c, disc, x1, x2, root1, root2, imrt1, imrt2;
    char i;
    cout<<"Enter a, b and c ";
    cin >> a >> b >> c ;

    if(disc == 0.0 && b == 0.0)
        cout<<"The equation is degenerate and has no real roots. \n";
    else if(a == 0.0)
        cout<<"The equation has one real root x = "<< -c/b <<endl;

        disc =  pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
        if (disc > 0.0)
            disc = sqrt(disc);
            root1 = (-b+disc)/(2*a);
            root2 = (-b-disc)/(2*a);
            cout<<"The two real roots are "<<root1<<" and "<<root2<<endl;

        else if(disc < 0.0)
        disc =  pow(b,2.0)+4*a*c;
        disc = sqrt(disc);
        imrt1 = (-b+disc)/(2*a);
        imrt2 = (-b-disc)/(2*a);
        cout<<"The two imaginary roots are "<<imrt1<<"+i"<<" and <<imrt2<<"+i"<<"\n";

            cout<<"Both roots are equal to "<<-b/(2*a)<<endl;
    }//End of compound statement for the outer else

    return 0;

3 回答 3


你错过了 else if(disc <0.0) 的大括号,因此下一个 else 是孤立的

于 2010-11-15T05:47:25.983 回答

在第一次测试 时if (disc == 0.0 && b == 0.0),变量disc未初始化,因此可以具有任何值。你可能打算写if (a == 0.0 && b == 0.0)...

您在假想情况下的数学不仅有点可疑。如果判别式为负,则需要'-b / 2a' 的实部,虚部为'±√(b² - 4ac)/2a'。所以,也许你需要:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    double a, b, c;

    cout << "Enter a, b and c: ";
    cin  >> a >> b >> c;

    if (a == 0.0 && b == 0.0)
        cout << "The equation is degenerate and has no real roots.\n";
    else if (a == 0.0)
        cout << "The equation has one real root x = " <<  -c/b  << endl;
        double disc = pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
        if (disc > 0.0)
            disc = sqrt(disc);
            double root1 = (-b+disc)/(2*a);
            double root2 = (-b-disc)/(2*a);
            cout << "The two real roots are " << root1 << " and " << root2 << endl;
        else if (disc < 0.0)
            double imag = sqrt(-disc)/(2*a);
            double real = (-b)/(2*a);
            cout << "The two complex roots are "
                 << "(" << real << "+" << imag << "i)" << " and "
                 << "(" << real << "-" << imag << "i)" << endl;
            cout << "Both roots are equal to " << -b/(2*a) << endl;
    return 0;


Enter a, b and c: 2 6 3
The two real roots are -0.633975 and -2.36603

Enter a, b and c: 2 4 3
The two complex roots are (-1+0.707107i) and (-1-0.707107i)

Enter a, b and c: 3 6 3
Both roots are equal to -1
于 2010-11-15T05:55:03.427 回答
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    double a, b, c, disc, x1, x2, root1, root2, imrt1, imrt2, disc2;
    char i;
    cout<<"Enter a, b and c ";
    cin >> a >> b >> c ;

    if(disc == 0.0 && b == 0.0)
        cout<<"The equation is degenerate and has no real roots. \n";
    else if(a == 0.0)
        cout<<"The equation has one real root x = "<< -c/b <<endl;

        disc =  pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
        if (disc > 0.0)
            disc = sqrt(disc);
            root1 = (-b+disc)/(2*a);
            root2 = (-b-disc)/(2*a);
            cout<<"The two real roots are "<<root1<<" and "<<root2<<endl;

        else if(disc < 0.0)
            disc2 =  pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
        disc2 = sqrt(disc2);
        imrt1 = (-b+disc2)/(2*a);
        imrt2 = (-b-disc2)/(2*a);
        cout<<"The two imaginary roots are "<<"i"<<imrt1<<" and "<<"i"<<imrt2<<"\n";

            cout<<"Both roots are equal to "<<-b/(2*a)<<endl;
    }//End of compound statement for the outer else

    return 0;

这是您的代码正确缩进(notepad++ 下 30 秒)

并且很明显(正如 vinothkr 发布的那样)您缺少大括号

否则如果(光盘 < 0.0)

第一次测试中的 Disc 也不是 init ...

而且我还建议始终将 {} 与 if else 一起使用。即使它节省了 5 秒不写它,你也会损失 1/2 小时调试任何更改。


int main(){
double a, b, c, disc, x1, x2, root1, root2, imrt1, imrt2, disc2;
char i;
cout<<"Enter a, b and c ";
cin >> a >> b >> c ;

    //Disc never init...
if(disc == 0.0 && b == 0.0){
    cout<<"The equation is degenerate and has no real roots. \n";
}else if(a == 0.0){
    cout<<"The equation has one real root x = "<< -c/b <<endl;

    disc =  pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
    if (disc > 0.0){
        disc = sqrt(disc);
        root1 = (-b+disc)/(2*a);
        root2 = (-b-disc)/(2*a);
        cout<<"The two real roots are "<<root1<<" and "<<root2<<endl;
    }else if(disc < 0.0){
        disc2 =  pow(b,2.0)-4*a*c;
        disc2 = sqrt(disc2);
        imrt1 = (-b+disc2)/(2*a);
        imrt2 = (-b-disc2)/(2*a);
        cout<<"The two imaginary roots are "<<"i"<<imrt1<<" and "<<"i"<<imrt2<<"\n";
        cout<<"Both roots are equal to "<<-b/(2*a)<<endl;
}//End of compound statement for the outer else

return 0;


于 2010-11-15T06:03:34.380 回答