I was following a couple links that had this same sequence, namely this example. I was unable to get it done successfully. Here is the output from terminal

MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew tap homebrew/versions
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew unlink php56
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/php56
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew install php70
==> Installing php70 from homebrew/php
Error: You must `brew link libpng` before homebrew/php/php70 can be installed
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$ brew link php70
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/php70
MacBook-Pro-4:/ SHennessy$

If anybody has any ideas that would be awesome, thanks in advance.


3 回答 3


I had more or less the same issue when installing php71.

To resolve it, I had to delete /usr/local/Cellar/php71 using sudo rmdir -rf /usr/local/opt/php71 and then :

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
brew install php71

Hope it helps.

Everything is now outdated

  • All was migrated to homebrew/homebrew-core
于 2017-02-21T18:10:17.487 回答

For php 5.6 & php 7.0

As of now the tap is empty and all of its formulae are migrated to homebrew/core

so i untapped & cleaned

brew untap homebrew/dupes
brew cleanup

And tapped this repo for older php versions

brew tap exolnet/homebrew-deprecated

And resinstalled php versions

brew reinstall php@7.1
brew reinstall php@5.6

于 2019-07-02T10:36:23.833 回答

For MacOS Catalina you need to do this fallowing commands.

  1. brew tap exolnet/homebrew-deprecated
  2. brew install php@7.1 (or other versions which lower then 7.1)

You can read more about this, just visit here https://getgrav.org/blog/macos-catalina-apache-multiple-php-versions.

Hope my answer will help you.

于 2020-03-01T11:31:31.590 回答