下面的代码始终允许表单提交,即使我在函数末尾覆盖了任何条件语句之外的返回值。仅当函数体中除了返回 false 之外没有任何内容时,才不允许提交表单。很奇怪。
有没有人有任何想法?我的 google-fu 让我失望了,所以我还没有看到任何东西。我无计可施。顺便说一句,这个上下文是 FF3,jQuery 1.4.2,我正在安装我公司的 mantisbt。表单的html是完全正常的。
var canSubmit = true;
var msg = '';
// we only do validation if those controls are present and have some options which can be selected
if(jQuery("select[name=priority] option").length() > 0 && jQuery("select[name=severity] option").length() > 0){
//there must be a selection in priority
if(jQuery("select[name=priority]").val() == ''){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Please select a priority!\n';
//there must be a selection in severity
if(jQuery("select[name=severity]").val() == ''){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Please select a severity!\n';
//the priority cannot be P1 or P2 and also a feature request
if( jQuery("select[name=priority]").val() > 49
&& jQuery("select[name=severity]").val() == 60){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Feature requests cannot be P1 or P2!';
//if there is some feedback, alert it to the user
if(msg != ''){
//debugging override - always return false!
return false; //instead of canSubmit;
var canSubmit = true;
var msg = '';
// validate form submission
msg = '';
canSubmit = true;
// we only do validation if those controls are present and have some
// options
// which can be selected
if(jQuery("select[name=priority] option").length > 0 &&
jQuery("select[name=severity] option").length > 0){
// there must be a selection in priority
if(jQuery("select[name=priority]").val() == 0){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Please select a priority!\n';
// there must be a selection in severity
if(jQuery("select[name=severity]").val() == 0){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Please select a severity!\n';
// the priority cannot be P1 or P2 and also a feature request
if( jQuery("select[name=priority]").val() > 49
&& jQuery("select[name=severity]").val() == 60){
canSubmit = false;
msg = msg + 'Feature requests cannot be P1 or P2!';
// if there is some feedback, alert it to the user
if(msg != ''){
alert("There were some problems:\n" + msg);
return false;