我正在尝试使用 metricbeat 获取系统指标(metricbeat 5.1.1 并将数据输出到 kafka 主题)
# Boolean flag to enable or disable the output module.
enabled: true
# The list of Kafka broker addresses from where to fetch the cluster metadata.
# The cluster metadata contain the actual Kafka brokers events are published
# to.
hosts: ["XX.XXX.XXX.XX:9092","XX.XXX.XXX.XX:9092","XX.XXX.XXX.XX:9092"]
# The Kafka topic used for produced events. The setting can be a format string
# using any event field. To set the topic from document type use `%{[type]}`.
topic: ab-mb-raw, cd-mb-raw
是否可以将数据推送到 kafka 中的多个主题?
当我运行上述配置时,我无法看到 kafka 主题持久化中的数据