I'm trying to view the JavaScript console output of a WebVR scene, that's being loaded in the Samsung GearVR browser. If it was in the Chrome browser I could use some form of remote debugging, but with the Samsung browser that wouldn't work.

I looked around the web, but nothing mentioned the particular Samsung Browser WebVR debugging situation.

Does anyone have any ideas or links?
I appreciate your help :)


1 回答 1


实际上,Chrome 远程调试适用于三星互联网上的 GearVR。只需通过 wifi 连接 adb(GearVR USB 不起作用,它只是在充电),chrome://inspect在桌面 chrome 中打开,当耳机处于活动状态时,该页面应该在列表中可见。所有活动的 webkit 实例都在该列表中,不仅仅是 Chrome。例如,您还可以嗅探 gmail 应用程序的 html 视图。

为此,您必须激活耳机的屏幕 - 调试时很难将其戴在头上,因此我建议您使用一些纸胶带覆盖镜头之间的传感器。

于 2017-01-08T12:33:32.783 回答