这就是 Scala 中所有交集类型都被编译为 JVM 字节码的方式。JVM 无法表示类似Int with Foo
像 a 这样的值Foo
查看以下 REPL 会话:
Welcome to Scala 2.12.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_111).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> trait Foo { def foo = "foo" }
defined trait Foo
scala> trait Bar { def bar = "bar" }
defined trait Bar
scala> class FooBar extends Foo with Bar
defined class FooBar
scala> class Test { val foobar: Foo with Bar = new FooBar }
defined class Test
scala> object Main {
| def main(): Unit = {
| val test = new Test().foobar
| println(test.foo)
| println(test.bar)
| }
| }
defined object Main
scala> :javap -p -filter Test
Compiled from "<console>"
public class Test {
private final Foo foobar;
public Foo foobar();
public Test();
scala> :javap -c -p -filter Main
Compiled from "<console>"
public void main();
15: invokeinterface #62, 1 // InterfaceMethod Foo.foo:()Ljava/lang/String;
27: checkcast #23 // class Bar
30: invokeinterface #69, 1 // InterfaceMethod Bar.bar:()Ljava/lang/String;
Int with Foo
是特征。显然编译器更喜欢最终类型和类而不是特征。所以在Foo with Bar
where Foo
is a trait and Bar
is a class 中,类型仍然被擦除为Bar