在阅读这个问题时,我想知道为什么没有人会“简单地”迭代 boggle 网格上的所有可能路径并让单词尝试跟随,然后如果单词 trie 中没有匹配项则取消路径。在一个小小的 4 x 4 网格上不可能有那么多路径,对吧?有多少条路?所以我开始在 F# 中编写一个路径计数器函数。结果产生了没有人在另一页上陈述的结果:网格上的路径比我想象的要多得多(实际上,路径比单词集中的单词多)。
let moves n state square =
let allSquares = [0..n*n-1] |> Set.ofList
let right = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [n-1..n..n*n])
let left = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [0..n..n*n-1])
let up = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [0..n-1])
let down = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [n*n-n..n*n-1])
let downRight = Set.intersect right down
let downLeft = Set.intersect left down
let upRight = Set.intersect right up
let upLeft = Set.intersect left up
let appendIfInSet se v res =
if Set.contains square se then res @ v else res
|> appendIfInSet right [square + 1]
|> appendIfInSet left [square - 1]
|> appendIfInSet up [square - n]
|> appendIfInSet down [square + n]
|> appendIfInSet downRight [square + n + 1]
|> appendIfInSet downLeft [square + n - 1]
|> appendIfInSet upRight [square - n + 1]
|> appendIfInSet upLeft [square - n - 1]
|> List.choose (fun s -> if ((uint64 1 <<< s) &&& state) = 0UL then Some s else None )
let block state square =
state ||| (uint64 1 <<< square)
let countAllPaths n lmin lmax =
let mov = moves n // line 30
let rec count l state sq c =
let state' = block state sq
let m = mov state' sq
match l with
| x when x <= lmax && x >= lmin ->
List.fold (fun acc s -> count (l+1) state' s acc) (c+1) m
| x when x < lmin ->
List.fold (fun acc s -> count (l+1) state' s acc) (c) m
| _ ->
List.fold (fun acc s -> count 0 (block 0UL s) s acc) 0 [0..n*n-1]
let main args =
printfn "%d: %A" (Array.length args) args
if 3 = Array.length args then
let n = int args.[0]
let lmin = int args.[1]
let lmax = int args.[2]
printfn "%d %d %d -> %d" n lmin lmax (countAllPaths n lmin lmax)
printfn "usage: wordgames.exe n lmin lmax"
在第 30 行,我
用第一个参数对函数进行了柯里化,希望代码优化可能会从中受益。也许优化我在 move 中创建的 9 个集合,它们只是n
. 毕竟,它们不需要一遍又一遍地生成,对吧?另一方面,我不会真的打赌它真的会发生。
所以,问题 #1 是:我怎样才能以尽可能少的代码膨胀方式执行这种优化?(我当然可以创建一个包含 9 个成员的类型,然后为每个可能的 n 创建一个该类型的数组,然后像使用预先计算的集合一样进行查找表,但在我看来这将是代码膨胀)。许多消息来源暗示平行折叠被认为是至关重要的。如何创建计数功能的并行版本(在多个内核上运行)?
起初,当我运行该函数时,n=4 lmin=3 lmax=8
我认为它需要很长时间,因为我在 fsi 中运行它。但是后来我用 -O 编译了代码,它仍然花了大约相同的时间......
总而言之,这 2 项更改使速度提高了 30 倍。这里是我提出的(臃肿)版本(仍在寻找避免臃肿的方法):
let squareSet n =
let allSquares = [0..n*n-1] |> Set.ofList
let right = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [n-1..n..n*n])
let left = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [0..n..n*n-1])
let up = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [0..n-1])
let down = Set.difference allSquares (Set.ofList [n*n-n..n*n-1])
let downRight = Set.intersect right down
let downLeft = Set.intersect left down
let upRight = Set.intersect right up
let upLeft = Set.intersect left up
let RIGHT,LEFT,UP,DOWN = 0,1,2,3
let squareSets =
[ for i in 1..8 do
yield squareSet i
|> Array.ofList
let moves n state square =
let appendIfInSet se v res =
if Set.contains square se then res @ v else res
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[RIGHT] [square + 1]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[LEFT] [square - 1]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[UP] [square - n]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[DOWN] [square + n]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[DOWNRIGHT] [square + n + 1]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[DOWNLEFT] [square + n - 1]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[UPRIGHT] [square - n + 1]
|> appendIfInSet squareSets.[n].[UPLEFT] [square - n - 1]
|> List.choose (fun s -> if ((uint64 1 <<< s) &&& state) = 0UL then Some s else None )
let block state square =
state ||| (uint64 1 <<< square)
let countAllPaths n lmin lmax =
let mov = moves n
let rec count l state sq c =
let state' = block state sq
let m = mov state' sq
match l with
| x when x <= lmax && x >= lmin ->
List.fold (fun acc s -> count (l+1) state' s acc) (c+1) m
| x when x < lmin ->
List.fold (fun acc s -> count (l+1) state' s acc) (c) m
| _ ->
//List.fold (fun acc s -> count 0 (block 0UL s) s acc) 0 [0..n*n-1]
|> Array.ofList
|> Array.Parallel.map (fun start -> count 0 (block 0UL start) start 0)
|> Array.sum
let main args =
printfn "%d: %A" (Array.length args) args
if 3 = Array.length args then
let n = int args.[0]
let lmin = int args.[1]
let lmax = int args.[2]
printfn "%d %d %d -> %d" n lmin lmax (countAllPaths n lmin lmax)
printfn "usage: wordgames.exe n lmin lmax"