I am having a huge challenge in converting a particular model from c4d to unity. I do not have cinema 4d r11 or r18 and I have tried all other alternatives possible but no luck. I would appreciate if someone who has cinema 4d r16 or r18 to assist me in exporting the model to unity from c4d.


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如果您有动画模型(来自 maximo),当您将其从cinema 4d 导出为FBX 时,它会将名称中的所有“:”更改为“_”!“myrig:Bone”变成了“myrig_Bone”。Unity 将无法将其与模式匹配!

  • 从 Mixamo 导入 T-Pose 模型为“FBX for Unity”

  • 将其导入 Cinema4D 并再次将其导出为 FBX 以更改所有带有“_”的骨骼名称

对于 .c4d 文件,只需将其拖放到统一资产文件夹(项目)。

于 2017-08-01T08:27:30.093 回答