我正在 Xcode 8 上使用Siesta和 Swift 3 构建 API 客户端。我希望能够使用 Siesta 资源获取实体,然后更新一些数据并对patch
API 执行操作。
问题是拥有一个实体,如果我将 JSON 数组保存在我的实体字段中,我无法将它们发送回服务器,我会收到以下错误:
▿ Siesta.RequestError
- userMessage: "Cannot send request"
- httpStatusCode: nil
- entity: nil
▿ cause: Optional(Siesta.RequestError.Cause.InvalidJSONObject())
- some: Siesta.RequestError.Cause.InvalidJSONObject
- timestamp: 502652734.40489101
import SwiftyJSON
import Foundation
struct Order {
let id: String?
let sessionId: String?
let userId: Int?
let status: String?
let comment: String?
let price: Float?
let products: Array<JSON>?
init(json: JSON) throws {
id = json["id"].string
sessionId = json["sessionId"].string
userId = json["userId"].int
status = json["status"].string
comment = json["comment"].string
price = json["price"].float
products = json["products"].arrayValue
* Helper method to return data as a Dictionary to be able to modify it and do a patch
public func toDictionary() -> Dictionary<String, Any> {
var dictionary: [String:Any] = [
"id": id ?? "",
"sessionId": sessionId ?? "",
"userId": userId ?? 0,
"status": status ?? "",
"comment": comment ?? ""
dictionary["products"] = products ?? []
return dictionary
MyAPI.sessionOrders(sessionId: sessionId).request(.post, json: ["products": [["product": productId, "amount": 2]], "comment": "get Swifty"]).onSuccess() { response in
let createdObject : Order? = response.typedContent()
expect(createdObject?.comment).to(equal("get Swifty"))
expect(createdObject?.price).to(equal(product.price! * 2))
if let createdId = createdObject?.id {
var data = createdObject?.toDictionary()
data?["comment"] = "edited Swifty" // can set paid because the user is the business owner
MyAPI.order(id: createdId).request(.patch, json: data!).onSuccess() { response in
result = true
}.onFailure() { response in
dump(response) //error is here
func sessionOrders( sessionId: String ) -> Resource {
return self
func order( id: String ) -> Resource {
return self
self.configureTransformer("/sessions/*/orders", requestMethods: [.post, .put]) {
try Order(json: ($0.content as JSON)["data"])
self.configureTransformer("/orders/*") {
try Order(json: ($0.content as JSON)["data"])
let products: Array<Dictionary<String, Any>>?
products = json["products"].arrayValue.map({
["product": $0.dictionaryValue["product"]!.stringValue, "amount": $0.dictionaryValue["amount"]!.intValue]
var data = createdObject?.toDictionary()
data?["comment"] = "edited Swifty"
//if I want to modify the products...
var products = data?["products"] as! Array<Dictionary<String, Any>>
products[0]["amount"] = 4
data?["products"] = products
如何使用 Siesta 发送那些原始 JSON 数组?它们真的很容易修改和阅读!我浏览了午睡文档和 github 问题,但没有成功...