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The Microsoft.SqlServer.Types API does offer functionality opposite to SqlGeometryBuilder, in the form of the SqlGeometry.Populate(IGeometrySink110) method.

This method accepts an object implementing the IGeometrySink110 interface, whose definition very closely mirrors that of SqlGeometryBuilder. The method will "replay" the method calls that were used on a SqlGeometryBuilder in order to construct the SqlGeometry.

For example, given the SqlGeometry geometry as shown in the question above, as well as the following IGeometrySink110 implementation:

class ConsoleGeometrySink : IGeometrySink110
    public void SetSrid(int srid)
        Console.WriteLine($"SetSrid(srid: {srid})");
    public void BeginGeometry(OpenGisGeometryType type)
        Console.WriteLine($"BeginGeometry(type: {type})");
    public void BeginFigure(double x, double y, double? z, double? m)
        Console.WriteLine($"BeginFigure(x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}, m: {m})");
    public void AddCircularArc(double x1, double y1, double? z1, double? m1,
                               double x2, double y2, double? z2, double? m2)
        Console.WriteLine($"AddCircularArc(x1: {x1}, y1: {y1}, z1: {z1}, m1: {m1}, " + 
                                         $"x2: {x2}, y2: {y2}, z2: {z2}, m2: {m2})");
    public void AddLine(double x, double y, double? z, double? m)
        Console.WriteLine($"AddLine(x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}, m: {m})");
    public void EndFigure()
    public void EndGeometry()

Calling geometry.Populate(new ConsoleGeometrySink()) would output the following:

SetSrid(srid: …)
BeginGeometry(type: Polygon)
BeginFigure(x: 0, y: 0, z: , m: )

which mirrors exactly the original steps performed to build the SqlGeometry.

于 2016-11-28T21:56:02.597 回答