在 MIPS 中是否可以在执行期间更改标签的值,或者创建具有特定值的标签?
我问这个是因为在使用指令时,lw $a0, label($s0)
我想在每次循环时增加标签 +4 的值,指示数组的新内存地址。我知道我可以做lw $a0, label+4($s0)
在 MIPS 中是否可以在执行期间更改标签的值,或者创建具有特定值的标签?
我问这个是因为在使用指令时,lw $a0, label($s0)
我想在每次循环时增加标签 +4 的值,指示数组的新内存地址。我知道我可以做lw $a0, label+4($s0)
不可以。在 MIPS 中,取消引用时括号外必须有一个常数(措辞不佳)。如果可以更改标签的值,那么它将不再是恒定的。为了解决这个问题,你可以做类似的事情
la $t1, label #t1 holds address of label
add $t1, $t1, $s0 #t1 now holds address of label + s0 offset
lw $a0, 0($t1) #load word from t1's location
addi $t1, $t1, 4 #t1 was incremented by 4 bytes now
lw $a0, 0($t1) #load the next word
如果 s0 始终为非负数,则建议使用 addu。
标签,在这个答案上看到“否”后,我被困了 4 个小时,试图arrayLength
在我记得 store word 之前用用户的值更改值sw
li $v0, 5
.assign 2
arrayLength: 0
sw $v0, arrayLength
lw $t0, arrayLength
, 由用户定义,取自$v0
换句话说,为了回答您的问题,0 in 的值arrayLength
被覆盖(对于我们的示例,假设为 10)。所以是的,你可以整天覆盖标签。您不能做的是修改该标签的地址。
To my knowledge, once a label is created, it is assigned to an address and the following addresses are allocated depending on how you identify it (.byte
, .half
, .word
, etc.). From there, unless there is some way to delete a label and re-create it, you cannot modify the address. That would cause a LOT of issues with memory management and be very inefficient and complex for no reason.
Now to continue. As a note, if you didn't know, you can predefine an array with .space [number]
. I think each value is by default 32 bits, so 4 bytes (a word). So if you wanted, say 5 items(words), you would do 5 x 4, so .space 20
and you can store 5 words into the array.
In this case, we now assume array
is already created and filled in from our arrayLength
of 10
and we are printing the value at each index, as follows:
add $t1, $zero, $zero #index value 0, our base address index
li $v0, 1
lw $a0, array($t1)
addi $t1, $t1, 4 #increase the address index by 4 (each index is 4 bytes long)
addi $t3, 1, $zero #increase the index identifier by 1
blt $t3, arrayLength, loop
So address index ($t1
) is the literal address location. Each index, i.e: word, is 4 bytes (32 bits) long. So our $t3 is an identifier to say (for example), "Hey, we are at index location 2 of 10," but in reality, we are in address location array + 8
out of array + 40
You could probably chuck the index identifier and just make $t3 the value of arrayLength x 4
and do blt $t1, $t3, loop
Hope this helps.