我正在努力了解我的内存泄漏来自哪里。我有一个我在研究时遇到的帖子的修改版本。我们使用 StructureMap,我们想为 MiniProfiler 使用 AOP,所以这似乎是一个完美的尝试,但是当我实现它时,我开始出现大量内存泄漏。我将泄漏追踪到创建代理的位置。如果我让所有其他代码保持不变并删除.EnrichWith(...)调用,内存泄漏就会消失。我在 Bootstrapper 类中创建代理类,如下所示:

 .EnrichWith(ex => DynamicProxyHelper.
     CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(typeof(IServiceInterface), ex));


public class DynamicProxyHelper
    public static IEnumerable<Type> GetScannableTypes()
        var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
        var scannableTypes = new List<Type>();
        foreach (var type in types)
            // http://www.hanselman.com/blog/DoesATypeImplementAnInterface.aspx
            if (typeof (IAttributeScanTask).IsAssignableFrom(type)
                && type.FullName != typeof (IAttributeScanTask).FullName)

        return scannableTypes;

    public static object CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface<T>(Type interfaceType, T obj) 
        if (!interfaceType.IsInstanceOfType(obj))
            throw new ArgumentException(
                "DynamicProxyHelper: Object passed to the proxy must inherit from the interface type passed to the proxy.");

        // Create the proxy and return the result
        var dynamicProxy = new ProxyGenerator();
        var scannableTypes = GetScannableTypes();

        var result = dynamicProxy.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(
            new IInterceptor[] { new MyInterceptor(obj.GetType(), new AttributeScanEngine(), scannableTypes)} );

        return result;

和 MyInterceptor 类:

public interface IMyInterceptor : IInterceptor {}
public class MyInterceptor : IMyInterceptor
    private readonly Type _concreteType;
    private readonly IAttributeScanEngine _scanEngine;
    private readonly IEnumerable<Type> _scannableTypes;
    private const string AttributeNameSpace = "MyAttributes";

    public MyInterceptor() : this(typeof(object), new AttributeScanEngine(), new List<Type>()){}

    public MyInterceptor(Type concreteType, IAttributeScanEngine scanEngine, IEnumerable<Type> scannableTypes)
        _concreteType = concreteType;
        _scanEngine = scanEngine;
        _scannableTypes = scannableTypes;

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var scanType = ResolveScanType(invocation);

        // We found a matching attribute that can be applied
        if (scanType != null)
            // execute the custom task we need to run
            _scanEngine.Run(invocation, scanType, _concreteType);
            // no scanned types could be found so execute the method as is


    protected internal virtual Type ResolveScanType(IInvocation invocation)
        foreach (var type in _scannableTypes)
            var attributeName = GetAttributeName(type.Name);
            var attributeType = Type.GetType(attributeName);
            if (attributeType != null)
                var attributeDecoration = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(invocation.GetConcreteMethodInvocationTarget(), attributeType, true);

                // We found an attribute for this scan type
                if (attributeDecoration != null)
                    return type;

        return null;

    protected internal virtual string GetAttributeName(string typeName)
        var aspectName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.IndexOf("ScanTask"));
        return AttributeNameSpace + "." + aspectName + "Attribute";



2 回答 2


如果您查看这个类似的问题,您会发现他们提倡使用单例ProxyGenerator实例,以便它重用动态生成的类型。在里面DynamicProxyHelper尝试添加private static readonly ProxyGenerator dynamicProxy = new ProxyGenerator();和引用它,而不是每次都更新它。

于 2014-05-02T13:08:07.997 回答

我也在使用 Structuremap 和 Castle.Proxy,但方式有点不同。因此,虽然这不是内存泄漏问题的直接答案,但也许它可以为您提供另一种观点。

背后的想法是,我们将返回一个 promise对象,而不是返回请求的wrapper对象。此外,我们正在使用 setter 注入,这确实证明了不仅构造函数注入是有效的概念。首先,有一个调用自定义Convention对象的Structuremap的配置:

x.Scan(s =>
x.SetAllProperties(.. // configure setter injeciton

代理约定确实注入了 Wrapper,作为实现:

public class ProxyConvention : DefaultConventionScanner
    public override void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
        var interfacesToHandle = type.GetInterfaces()
             .Where(i => i... // select what which interface should be mapped

        foreach (var inter in interfacesToHandle)
            var setting = registry
                .Use(new ProxyInstance(type)); // here we go to inject wrapper


public ProxyInstance(Type type)
    ConcreteType = type; // the type for our Wrapper, the real implementation
protected override object build(Type pluginType, BuildSession session)
    var aopFilters = 
         // my custom way how to inject more AOP filters
         // the core for us, one of the interceptors is our Wrapper
        .Union(new[] { new Wrapper(ConcreteType) })

    // Castle will emit a proxy for us, but the Wrapper will do the job
    var proxy = Factory
         .CreateClassProxy(ConcreteType, AopFilterManager.AopOptions, aopFilters);

    return proxy;

正如我们所看到的,此时,我们确实创建了一个带有 Castle 的代理,并用Interceptors. 对象,Wrapper负责实例化真实对象,仅在它第一次被触摸的那一刻。因此,循环引用不是问题,事实上它们是受欢迎的:

public class Wrapper : IInterceptor
    object _lazy;
    protected readonly Type Type;

    public Wrapper(Type type)
        Type = type;

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        if (_lazy.IsNull()) // lazily instantiate the instance
            _lazy = ObjectFactory.GetInstance(Type);
            var method = invocation.Method;
            if (method.ContainsGenericParameters)
                method = method.MakeGenericMethod(invocation.GenericArguments);
            invocation.ReturnValue = method.Invoke(_lazy, invocation.Arguments);
        catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
            // PublishingManager.Publish(.... // publish exception

我的类似答案可以在这里找到StructureMap - Circular Dependencies and Lazy Initialization of Setter Properties
(有 VS 2012 的Catharsis 指南,创建解决方案,您可以在其中看到它的实际效果)

于 2013-10-25T02:38:04.217 回答