我正在使用 OCR 开发 C# WPF 自动车牌识别。
流程是,我正在从视频流 MJPEG 中获取图片,并且应该将这些图片传递给 OCR 以获取车牌号和其他详细信息。
问题是:视频流产生大约 30 帧/秒,CPU 无法处理这么多的处理,处理 1 帧也需要大约 1 秒,而且当我在队列上获得很多帧时,CPU 会已使用 70%(Intel I7 4th G)。
//This is the queue where it will hold the frames
// produced from the video streaming(video_Newfram1)
private readonly Queue<byte[]> _anpr1Produces = new Queue<byte[]>();
//I am using AForg.Video to read the MJPEG Streaming
//this event will be triggered for every frame
private void video_NewFrame1(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
var frameDataAnpr = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
AnprCam1.Source = GetBitmapimage(frameDataAnpr);
//add current fram to the queue
//this worker is the consumer that will
//take the frames from the queue to the OCR processing
if (!_workerAnpr1.IsBusy)
//This is the consumer, it will take the frames from the queue to the OCR
private void WorkerAnpr1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
while (true)
if (_anpr1Produces.Count <= 0) continue;
//This method will process the frames that sent from the consumer
private void BgWorker1(byte[] imageByteAnpr)
var anpr = new cmAnpr("default");
var objgxImage = new gxImage("default");
if (imageByteAnpr != null)
objgxImage.LoadFromMem(imageByteAnpr, 1);
if (anpr.FindFirst(objgxImage) && anpr.GetConfidence() >= Configs.ConfidanceLevel)
var vehicleNumber = anpr.GetText();
var vehicleType = anpr.GetType().ToString();
if (vehicleType == "0") return;
var imagename = string.Format("{0:yyyy_MMM_dd_HHmmssfff}", currentDateTime) + "-1-" +
vehicleNumber + ".png";
//this task will run async to do the rest of the process which is saving the vehicle image, getting vehicle color, storing to the database ... etc
var tsk = ProcessVehicle("1", vehicleType, vehicleNumber, imageByteAnpr, imagename, currentDateTime, anpr, _anpr1Produces);